美服《九阴真经》玄武服务器合并到白虎服务器 8月26日服务器合并维护

2013-08-23 1672

为了提高玩家白虎和玄武服务器的体验,我们将在8月28号周三将玄武服务器合并到白虎服务器中。 为服务器合并做准备, 我们将在8月26日,周一 00:01在白虎和玄武服务器上做 60分钟的维护。专业玩家网为游戏工作室提供游戏项目,游戏技术攻略,为工作室游戏赚钱提供第一手信息。

这将是九阴真经历史上第一次服务器合并。为了尽可能的使此次合并平稳的过渡, 我们已经建立了一个包含相关信息的简要FAQ社区。请去我们FAQ论坛,查看帖子了解更详细的过程。 你可以自由提问,我们将尽力提供更多相关信息。



开始:8/26/13 00:01 am. CDT服务器时间 ( 8/25/13 22:01pm.PDT)

结束:8/26/13 01:01am. CDT服务器时间  ( 8/25/13 23:01pm.PDT)


开始:8/28/13 03:00 am. (CDT服务器时间) 即  ( 8/28/13 01:00 am. PDT)

结束:8/28/13 09:00 am.  (CDT服务器时间)   即  ( 8/28/13 07:00 am. PDT )


1.Q: 服务器合并将如何工作?


2.Q: 我的人物会发生什么变化?


3.Q: 如果我本身就在白虎服务器,那我的人物会被转移吗?

A: 会, 我们将白虎及玄武服务器中所有的信息都转移到新置的服务器。




A:不会, 服务器合并日期是28日, 论剑在24日就结束了。

6.Q: 在新白虎服务器中,会有两个赢家吗?

A:是的。在合并接下来的一个月,将会有两组胜利者。 2013年9月华山论剑后, 将会只有一组胜利者。





A:所有的公会信息将被保存到公会记录中,并发送给当前工会领袖。一旦新服务器开始使用, 会长可以使用装备恢复公会。




In order to improve the player experience on the White Tiger and Black Tortoise servers, we will merge the Black Tortoise server into the White Tiger server on Wednesday, August 28th. This merger will take place during our normal weekly scheduled maintenance period on Wednesday, August 28th. To prepare for the server merger, we will perform a short 60-minute maintenance on Monday, August 26, 00:01 on both the Black Tortoise and White Tiger servers.

This will be the first Age of Wushu server merger. In order to make the transition as smooth as possible, we have constructed a brief FAQ containing some pertinent information for the community. Please head to our Server Merger FAQ forum post to find out more details about the process. Please feel free to contribute to this thread with any questions you may have. We will do our best to provide as much knowledge about this process as possible.

White Tiger and Black Tortoise Server Merger Schedule

Preparation Server Maintenance (Black Tortoise & White Tiger)

Start: 8/26/13 00:01 AM CDT Server Time (8/25/13 22:01 PM PDT)

End:  8/26/13 01:01 AM CDT Server Time (8/25/13 23:01 PM PDT)
Planned Server Merger Time

Start: 8/28/13 03:00 AM CDT Server Time (8/28/13 01:00 AM PDT)

End:  8/28/13 09:00 AM CDT Server Time (8/28/13 07:00 AM PDT)

The following are a few key questions to help players out in the coming days as we transition for the Server Merger of White Tiger and Black Tortoise next week.
Question: How will the server merger work?

Answer: The character profile data from White Tiger and Black Tortoise will move onto a new server. The new server's name will be White Tiger.
Question: What will happen to my character?

Answer: Your character will be transferred to the new White Tiger server. All character data will be saved and character progression will not be reset.
Question: If I am from White Tiger will my character be transferred?

Answer: Yes, we will move all character information from White Tiger as well as Black Tortoise onto a fresh reset server.
Question: What if someone has my name from the other server?

Answer: Characters will keep names but a server distinction will be added to the name.
Question: Will the server merger affect the ongoing Mount Hua Competition?

Answer: No, the server merger date is on the 28th and the competition will have already concluded on the 24th.
Question: Will there be two sets of Mount Hua winners on the new White Tiger server?

Answer: Yes, for the month following the merger, there will be two sets of winning competitors on the new White Tiger server. After the September 2013 Mount Hua competition, there will only be one set of winners on the new White Tiger server.
Question: What will happen to the Jianghu Rankings in game?

Answer: The Jianghu Rankings will be reset and recalculated once the merger is complete.
Question: What will happen to my world stall I've paid for this week?

Answer: The World Stall function will be disabled on White Tiger and Black Tortoise on August 26 in preparation for the server merger.
Question: What about my guild? What will happen to my guild?

Answer: All guild information will be saved into a guild record item and sent to the current guild leader. Once on the new server, the guild leader may use the item and recover the guild.
Question: What about my guild's territory?

Answer: As this will be a fresh reset server, all guild territories will be up for contention. Guilds will have to capture territories and plan for Jianghu conquest.

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