美服《魔兽世界》5.4 官方新动态 角色新特点先睹为快

2013-09-02 1302


1. 新角色模型完成约25%。

2. 所有的新模型不太可能一次都发布。 我们会先发布那些已经完成的,接着再不断更新。 3. 在新角色模型中我们看到,新加罗什模型有很多骨头和面部动作。 我们还提供加罗什测,看看玩家希不希望他们现在的样子。
4. 新角色模型的制作都非常小心, 避免改变角色的感觉, 特别是动作方面。.专业玩家网提供游戏工作室项目、游戏工作室辅助工具、游戏工作室国外游戏资讯。

5. 角色大都更活泼,留着胡子, 扎着马尾辫, 长有真实的手指。动画旧模式感觉差不多,但更好看。专业玩家网为游戏工作室提供游戏项目,游戏技术攻略,为工作室游戏赚钱提供第一手信息。

6. 在每周艺术会议上,新模型和旧动画相会坐比较, 以确保他们的感觉很舒服。

 New Character Models
The new character models are roughly 25% done.

It is unlikely that all of the new models will be released at once. The ones that are done will be released and then more will be added throughout the patch cycle.
The new Garrosh model has a lot of bones and facial animation that could be similar to what we see in new character models.

Garrosh also provides a nice test case to see if players want their character to look like that.
The new character models are being worked on very carefully to avoid changing how the characters feel, especially the animations.

There is a lot more to animate now with beards, ponytails, and hands with actual fingers. The animations have to have the same emotion as the old models, but just look better.
The new models and animations are compared to the old ones at weekly art meetings to ensure that they feel right.

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