美服 《龙与地下城》职业畅想 看未来职业新趋势

2013-09-02 1054

从一个玩家的角度来说, 副业是我们从简单的游戏向复杂游戏过度的强大武器。战士的战斗机路径是一个很好的例子, 因为它可以让你选择一个相当简单的战斗机。相比之下, 角斗士的路径每一轮都提供了很多选择。专业玩家网为工作室提供韩服游戏注册教程和免费韩服游戏代理。

对地下城主来说,副业起到关键作用 。你允许进入战斗的副业说了很多关于世界事。出于这个原因, 副业在D&D肩负着几乎整个任务,而这以前是由角色来承担的。

未来,当我们引入新型的魔法进入游戏中时,我们不需要添加新的角色。相反,我们可以让副业担当大任。 影舞者可以是涉猎影子魔法的盗贼, 而妖刃可以做战斗机的工作。
这种思路说明了在《D&D2》中法师职业的设计原则。让巫师成为法师下的一个选项, 我们开阔了心灵术士,术士,巫师,技工等的空间。需要的话,他们可以共享魔法, 魔法物品和专长, 可以允许加入新的设计元素, 使其更独特有趣。

需要谨记的是,尽管这些技工共享相同的职业基础, 这并不意味着他们的铸造机制是一样的。这种变化的关注点是如何使职业更独一无二,副业也一样。尽管妖刃可能成为战斗机的副业, 它仍然可以施法;尽管影舞者会成为盗贼,它仍然可以在影间沟通,同时能使用魔法。

所以, 在D&D2 中,这将是基本的做法。他们帮助我们调节对玩家来说很复杂的东西,同时, 他们也是强大的工具, 允许地下城主和队伍决定他们战斗的基调和感觉。


From a player's point of view, subclasses are the most powerful tool we have to slide from a simple game to a more complex one. The fighter's Path of the Warrior is a great example of this, since it allows you to opt into a fairly simple fighter. In comparison, the Path of the Gladiator offers a lot more options each round.

That said, subclasses also play a key role from the DM's side of things. The subclasses you allow into your campaign say a lot about your world. For that reason, we're looking at subclasses shouldering almost the entire burden in D&D Next, which were previously handled by character classes.

When we introduce new types of magic into the game in the future, we won't need to add a set of new classes to the game. Instead, we can present subclasses that tap into that power source. The shadow dancer can be a rogue subclass that dabbles in shadow magic, while the hexblade does the same for the fighter class.

This line of thinking illustrates the principles behind the design of the mage class in D&D Next. By making the wizard an option under the mage, we open up space for the warlock, sorcerer, psion, artificer, and other casters without having to reinvent the wheel for each caster. They can share spells, magic items, and feats as necessary, allowing new design to focus on the elements that make them unique and interesting.

It's important to remember that while these casters share the same base class, that doesn't mean they share the same casting mechanics. The entire point of this change is to focus on what makes those classes unique. The same goes for subclasses. Although the hexblade might be a fighter subclass, it can still gain access to spellcasting. The shadow dancer as rogue can still teleport between shadows and use overt magic.

 So, that's the basics of subclasses in D&D Next. They help us regulate complexity for players, and they are a powerful tool that allows DMs and groups to determine the tone and feel of their campaigns.

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