
2013-09-02 1192

 尼瑞克纪念活动回归 :9月1日--9月7日

远海贸易公司员工要在城里做事。任何愿意制作配方, 发货或收集材料的人将得到城市令牌,可以用来在节日期间购买商品。死亡议院的成员们,记住:远海商人要求所有参与者自己做任务。禁止任何试图派遣亡灵军队来做任务的举动。


用你的透视镜寻找隐藏在场地内的收藏品吧, 将它们全部找到并获得一个优雅的尼瑞克主题邮箱。专业玩家网为游戏工作室提供最专业的游戏汉化教程

Teir’Da的l朋友可以自由进入节日活动, 但参观具备诸如“善良”和“荣誉”的英雄将需要智慧,以避免当地警卫。不要磨蹭了: 女王的耐心是有限的,所以今天就去访问吧!


The Neriak City Festival Returns September 1-7!
The members of the Far Seas Trading Company need some work done while they’re in town. Anyone willing to craft recipes, deliver goods, or gather materials will receive City Tokens, which can be used to purchase goods at the festival. Members of the House of the Dead, take note: the Far Seas merchants require all participants to do the tasks themselves. Any attempts to send your undead army to do the work for you will unfortunately not be accepted.

Neriak House Items
Far Seas merchant Chris Weathers has acquired a supply of elegant blue marble furniture and building materials especially for the Neriak festival. These Teir’Dal-themed items are available only twice a year, so spend your City Tokens while you can.
Use your Ultravision to spot the festival-only collectibles hidden around the grounds. Find them all and earn an elegant Neriak-themed mailbox for your home.

Aether Races
The Gnomes are in need of more adventurers foolish- ahem, brave - enough to try their flying machines. Complete the festival-exclusive Darklight Wood Aether Race course to earn City Tokens and a chance at the Fearless Flyer title. 

Friends of the Teir’Dal will have no trouble getting to the festival, but visiting heroes who value silly things like “kindness” and “honor” would be wise to avoid the local guards. Don’t delay: the Queen’s patience won’t last forever, so visit the festival today!

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