《飞飞(Flyff)》夏末大让利 玩家轻松获奖励

2013-09-03 2059

为缓解从放松到紧张日子的过渡,我们提供20%的额外奖金,而你只需花费一点时间填写账户信息。 此优惠只适用于9月2日,周一(00:01 PDT)到9月6日,周五(23:59 PDT),所以一定不要错过!

填写数量                促销贝宝奖励制度                          得到gp总量

1,000 gP          +210 gP (1% + 20% Bonus)                    1,210 gP

2,000 gP         +450 gP (2.5% + 20% Bonus)                  2,450 gP

3,000 gP         +750 gP (5% + 20% Bonus)                     3,750 gP

5,000 gP         +1,500 gP (10 + 20% Bonus)                   6,500 gp

10,000 gP       +3,150 gP (11.5% + 20% Bonus)             13,150 gP



20% Extra Bonus! - 
 To ease the transition from the relaxing days to more active ones, we have an offer of 20% EXTRA BONUS gPotato when filling up your account for a very limited time only!
This offer is valid only from Monday the 2nd of September (00:01 PDT) until Friday the 6th of September (23:59 PDT), so make sure not to miss out!
Just use any of the eligible fill-up methods within the time period defined above and you will receive your free BONUS gPotato automatically!
See an example of how much BONUS gPotato you will receive by referring to the table below:             

Amount filled up in gPotato
1,000 gP
2,000 gP
3,000 gP
5,000 gP
10,000 gP

Promotional PayPal bonus scheme (up to 31.5% bonus)
+210 gP (1% + 20% Bonus)
+450 gP (2.5% + 20% Bonus)
+750 gP (5% + 20% Bonus)
+1,500 gP (10 + 20% Bonus)
+3,150 gP (11.5% + 20% Bonus)

Total bonus gPotato you will receive
1,210 gP
2,450 gP
3,750 gP
6,500 gP
13,150 gP



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