美服《龙与地下城》试玩板块玩家经验分享 游戏新内容先睹为快

2013-09-03 1372

第一个试玩板块我们从第3级开始: 人类牧师, 半法师, 野蛮人类。

我们都违反了优势/劣势规则。我们的野蛮人“失败”了。我正准备要说的东西, 他意识到他有优势, 于是我的叙述就变成了 “你听到一个洪亮的声音,指挥你逃离……就像逃离的冲动变得不可阻挡的, 你体内原始的愤怒把声音从你的头脑中驱逐。”于是,整个晚上我都在叙述死亡轴和优势/劣势卷轴……而法师惊人地抓住一个战斗机投, 战斗机迅速作出反映,以避免被抓住。 这令人震惊的一握, ……对抗重金属非常有效……比近战攻击更有效。 但是在灵巧度上它就容易失败了。
不管怎样我们还是很喜欢这个新加的内容。 我能感受到它是如何使物体放慢速度的, 我还可以看到在关键时刻, 这些卷轴确实为游戏增添了乐趣。睡眠……半精灵的优势是睡眠, 然而睡眠法术无法保存? 

总的来说, 此次试玩的经验是很好的,玩家们都很开心并期待完整版的发布。专业玩家网为工作室提供韩服游戏注册教程和免费韩服游戏代理。


First playtest session we started 3rd level: human cleric, half-elf mage, human barbarian.

Initial reactions:
we all oved the advantage/disadvantage rules.     Our barbarian "failed" a save agains command, as I was preparing my narrative, he realized he had advantage because of rage and saved on the second roll.  so, instead my narrative became something like..."You hear a booming voice in your mind commanding you to flee...just as the urge to flee becomes irresistable, that primal rage wells up inside you pushing the voice from your mind."
So, the rest of the night I narrated both die rolls on an advantage/disadvantage roll...The mage casts shocking grasp on a fighter, "The fighter uses some mighty fancy footwork and avoids your shocking grasp...Shocking grasp...this very effective against heavy metal...more effecitve than melee attacks.  It was easier fail on a disadvantage DEX save 。

 Anyway we really enjoyed the flavor these rolls add...im sure i probably over did it.  I can see how that would slow things down too much, but I can also see that in crucial moments, these rolls ad lots of flavor.
Sleep...half elf is suposed to have advantage on sleep, however sleep spell does not have a save?  feels broke.
overall the experience was a good one.  players had fun and look forward to full version release.

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