《最终幻想14:重生之境》服务器维护 玩家将获额外测试机会

2013-09-04 1264


自从2013年8月27日官方服务开始, 用户数量已经远远超出了我们的初步估计。虽然我们很高兴看到此现象, 但服务器没做好充分的准备。因此,我们的服务器已经被推到最大容量。为了允许尽可能多的用户访问, 我们已经实现了登录和角色创建限制。然而我们理解, 这些限制给玩家带来了极大的不便。

为解决这个问题,我们将从2013年9月3日下午5点到2013年9月4日凌晨三点执行维护(PDT时间),旨在增加世界的数量, 减少志同道合者服务器的压力, 增加每个服务器可登录人数。
由于登录和角色创建限制妨碍我们提供优质的服务, 所有《最终幻想14:重生之境》 帐户将获得额外的七天免费游戏时间。此外, 如果2013年9月9日11:59 p.m. (PDT)之前注册,那些还未进入注册码的玩家可获得额外的7日测试时间。 我们将继续监控服务器以确保高质量的服务。额外的7日将在013年9月4日服务帐户维护结束后开启。2013年游戏工作室项目从何入手,专业玩家网是你最佳的选,最值得收藏的网站。


Server Congestion and Trial Period Extensions

We would like to thank all our customers for their continued support of FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn.
Since the beginning of official service on August 27, 2013, the number of users attempting to access the game has significantly exceeded our initial estimates. While we are pleased to see support for the game reach far beyond our expectations, the servers were not prepared to handle this influx of players. As a result, our servers have been pushed beyond maximum capacity. In order to allow access to as many users as possible, we have implemented login and character creation restrictions. We understand, however, that these restrictions have greatly inconvenienced our players.

To resolve this issue, we will be performing maintenance from September 3, 2013, at 5:00 p.m. to September 4, 2013, at 3:00 a.m (PDT), for the purpose of increasing the number of available Worlds, reducing stress on the Duty Finder servers, and increasing the number of concurrent logins allowed for each server.
Because login and character creation restrictions have hindered our ability to provide quality service, all FINAL FANTASY XIV service accounts will receive an additional seven days of free play time. Furthermore, users who have yet to enter their registration codes will receive an additional seven-day trial should they register before 11:59 p.m. (PDT) on September 9, 2013. Moving forward, we will continue monitoring the servers to ensure that quality service and support are provided in a timely manner.
The additional seven days will be reflected on service accounts after maintenance has concluded on September 4, 2013。

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