美服《Z奇兵》技能/仓库大促销 快来购买心仪装备吧

2013-09-05 1826

Z奇兵 技能/仓库大促销


你是少数幸运的仓库中堆满战利品的人吗? 你的技能布局怎么样? 对你目前的技能组合不满意吗? 如果你因技能设置羡慕其他玩家或想尝试自己的技能组合能力, 那么在Z奇兵,现在就是最佳时机。

现在在促销的装备(仅一个星期,2013年9月11日结束): 遗落之书(30级或以下);高级遗落之书(40级或以下);仓库扩展(30天);仓库扩展 (180天)。





玩家现在可以得到一个额外的选项卡来携带更多的狩猎过程中的战利品。 如果你总是用光所有空间,那这些装备可以容纳你所有的制作材料, 坐骑和时尚物品。 得到一个长达1月甚至6个月的仓库吧,再也不用担心耗尽空间了!






Are you one of the fortunate few who are always burdened by having to carry so much loot in your inventory? What about your skills layout? Are you not happy with your current skill combination? If you've envied other players because their skill setup or wanted to experiment with your own skill combination, there's never been a better time in RaiderZ!
Items now on sale for one week only until September 11, 2013: Book of Oblivion (level 30 or below), Advanced Book of Oblivion (level 40 or below), Inventory Expansion (30 Days), Inventory Expansion (180 Days).
Using a Book of Oblivion or the Advanced Book of Oblivion will reset all acquired skills and restores all spent Skill Points. If you're looking to explore different combat styles, now's the perfect time to experiment!
Players are now able to get an additional tab to carry more loot and drops found during their monster hunts! If you're always running out of room, these items are perfect for all your crafting materials, mounts, and fashion items in RaiderZ. Get one for 1 month or even 6 months. Never worry about running out of bag space again!
How do you access the Cash Shop and the Crystal Shop in game to purchase these items?

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