美服《暗黑3》官方新辟讨论板块 喜欢奈非天就进来吧

2013-09-06 1063

我们目前针对玄秘工匠计划的一项服务是变形(玄秘工匠:奈非天在《暗黑破坏神3》即将推出的扩展包---夺魂之镰里会遇到新工匠 )。旨在提高英雄的定制能力, 变形能够给予玩家 修改外观,盔甲和武器而不会降低任何力量的能力。
尽管变形仍处在发展期, 如果你觉得这种类型的功能听起来很有趣,那么我们鼓励您加入HonkMonk,讨论/暗黑破坏神3! 这是讨论圣殿, 奈非天装备以及玩家灵感的好地方。专业玩家网为工作室提供韩服游戏注册教程和免费韩服游戏代理。



 Project Nephalem
One of the services currently planned for the Mystic (a new artisan that Nephalem will encounter in Diablo III's upcoming expansion, Reaper of Souls) is transmogrification. Designed to increase to hero customization, transmogrification will give players the ability to modify the appearance of their armor and weapons without compromising any of their power or potency. (Yay!)
While transmogrification is a still under development, if this type of feature sounds interesting to you, then we encourage you to join HonkMonk's discussion over on /r/Diablo! It's a great brainstorm about fashion in Sanctuary, ways to theme your Nephalem's gear, and inspiration for players who just aren't sure what to wear.

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