美服《魔兽世界》邀你观看顶级公会直播赛 为5.4 做好充分准备

2013-09-07 1160

在下周发布5.4补丁决战奥格瑞玛之前, 花点时间观看本周六和周日魔兽世界的马拉松直播赛。由Gamingforgood.net举办此次活动, 届时将会有顶级公会方法和冬至通过25人的英雄雷神王座的比赛直播。

为庆祝即将发布的潘达利亚迷雾最后的资料片, Athene 将提供超过10000美元的奖金回馈当前及回归的玩家, 包括60天的魔兽战斗宝盒的时间密码和数字钥匙, 当然还有灾难及潘达利亚的迷雾。

 “围攻”正式开始于9月7日周六早上5点(太平洋时间下午2点)。CEST),围攻将持续整个周末,尽管乐趣还在起步。 下面的按钮打到主事件页面,并开始你的任务。游戏工作室面对游戏封号的问题该怎么办,专业玩家网教你如何避免游戏封号,游戏封IP。




 Catch “The Siege” Marathon Live Streams this Weekend
Before laying siege to Orgrimmar with the release of Patch 5.4 next week, take some time to clean the Tortos juice off your kicks and tune into Athene’s World of Warcraft marathon live streams this Saturday and Sunday. Hosted on Gamingforgood.net, this event will feature a number of popular Twitch streamers doing what they do best all weekend long, including a live race between top-ranked guilds Method and Midwinter through 25-player Heroic Throne of Thunder.

To help celebrate the impending release of Mists of Pandaria’s last major content patch, Athene will be offering more than $10,000 in prizes to current and returning players alike, including 60-day time codes and digital keys for the WoW Battle Chest, Cataclysm, and Mists of Pandaria.

“The Siege” officially begins at 5 a.m. PDT (2 p.m. CEST) Saturday, September 7 and will go all weekend, though the fun is already underway. 

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