美服《魔兽世界》战士职业指南 教你做最好的战士

2013-09-09 1290

随着战争的愈演愈烈, 各个种族的英雄都在积极掌握战斗艺术。战士结合力量,领导力和对武器广博的知识在战争中肆虐破坏 。一些战士在前线用盾牌执行保护任务, 借助盟友来自后方的支持锁定敌人。其他的则放弃盾牌, 用杀伤力极强的武器对最近的敌人发动攻击。
战士是强大的重甲肉搏大师, 他们在战争中积聚怒火再肆意喷放。如果你喜欢直截了当地在战场上闯荡征战,那战士可能是一个不错的选择。
战士是近战职业, 履行攻击和伤害处理的职责。 战士可以使用各种各样的武器和盔甲,但有抱负的战士应该集中于职业的专门化以及赋予在装备上的数据。

在选择装备时,最好是选择邮件,或当达到40级时选择装甲装备。力量由你自己去增加的, 紧随其后的就是耐力(尽管保护战士会优先考虑耐力!)。战士是强壮的,因此能够让你强壮的东西则是你需要不断累积的。其他技能, 如敏捷性,仍然是有用的,但他们不会像强大的力量和耐力那样对你的强大破坏力做出那么多贡献。 其他次要属性, 如击中, 急速,专长, 致命一击和掌握也可以是非常有用的, 但他们也往往存在于高等级装备中。 这样的属性即使是在低等级的装备中也是十分强大的, 即使数量很少。专业玩家网提供的游戏心得体会,让游戏玩家得到别人游戏的经验,能节省很多游戏时间,带来更多快乐。


New Player Guides – Warrior Class Overview
For as long as war has raged, heroes from every race have aimed to master the art of battle. Warriors combine strength, leadership, and a vast knowledge of arms and armor to wreak havoc in glorious combat. Some protect from the front lines with shields, locking down enemies while allies support the warrior from behind with spell and bow. Others forgo the shield and unleash their rage at the closest threat with a variety of deadly weapons.
Warriors are mighty heavily armored masters of melee combat that are fueled by the Rage they generate in combat. If you like a straightforward approach, charging into battle, and bashing heads toe to toe, then Warrior might be a good class choice for you. 
The Basics
Warriors are a melee class that fulfills the tanking and damage dealing roles. Warriors can use a staggering variety of weapons and armor, but aspiring Warriors should focus their choices based on which class specialization that they’ve chosen and which stats are present on the item.
When choosing gear, it’s always best to choose mail or, after you reach level 40, plate items. Strength is your go to stat, while Stamina is a close second (though Protection Warriors might prioritize Stamina!). Warriors are beefy, and thus, stats that support your beefiness are what you want. Other stats, such as Agility, can still be useful, but they won’t contribute as much to your armored juggernaut as good old brawny, beefy Strength and Stamina will. Other secondary stats, such as Hit, Haste, Expertise, Critical Strike, and Mastery can also be very useful, but they also tend to be present in greater amounts on gear at higher level. Such stats on low level gear can be quite powerful, even in small amounts, though.

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