美服《暗黑3》系列小说-《圣光风暴》接受预定 看泰瑞尔究竟会怎么处理黑灵魂石

2013-09-12 2320

上个月, 我们给玩家介绍过即将到来的 《暗黑破坏神3:泰瑞尔之书》, 今天我们很高兴地宣布下一部暗黑破坏神系列小说《圣光风暴》 。
由Nate Kenyon---The Order的作者所写,《圣光风暴》在 暗黑3和第一部资料片夺魂之镰之间架起桥梁。小说以正义之剑漫画系列中的雅各和沙尼亚为主角,现在可在Simon and Schuster预购。


随着万恶之源的崩塌,至高天东山再起,渐渐恢复昔日的荣耀。 安杰瑞斯理事会已经找到了黑灵魂石,并将其置于银光之城,严加看管。
在这些重大事件发生时, 泰瑞尔却在他智慧天使的位置上苦苦挣扎,觉得自己一介凡人在天使间显得格格不入,有怀疑自己的能力能否完成智慧天使的使命。于是他四处游荡寻求安慰,在此过程中他感觉黑灵魂石对志高天产生了机器的严峻的影响。 这儿以前到处是和谐之光 现在却被喧嚣黑暗所威胁。 英普瑞斯和其他天使强烈反对将灵魂石移至他处或彻底摧毁, 泰瑞尔只能把至高天的命运交给人类…。

走遍圣域,泰瑞尔号召强大的人类,重建古时的赫拉迪姆兄弟会,并交给他们一个不可能的任务: 偷走至高天的灵魂石。承担这个重任的英雄是:来自斯托布瑞克的雅各(Jacob)-----圣剑艾德鲁因的前守护者; 莎妮亚(Shanar)-----掌握自然力量的秘术师;米库洛夫(Mikulov)-----身形矫健,拥有虔诚信仰的武僧;金薇儿(Gynvir)-----无畏而坚韧的野蛮人; 塞由(Zayl)-----高深莫测的死灵法师。身處危急存亡關頭,善惡勢力雙面夾擊,英雄們是否能在至高天化為斷牆殘垣前團結一致,勇闖絕境死地,即時創造奇蹟 在冠军委托这个负担是雅各的Staalbreak、前《阿凡达》的正义和守护天使叶片El 'druin;Shanar,巫师和非凡的力量;Mikulov,一个柔软的、虔诚的和尚;Gynvir、无畏的野蛮人;Zayl久经沙场,一个神秘的巫师。随着时间的推移和善恶力量的夹击 这些英雄们能够团结一致, 在至高天被毁之前共同完成这危险至极的任务吗?专业玩家网提供的游戏心得体会,让游戏玩家得到别人游戏的经验,能节省很多游戏时间,带来更多快乐。




Last month, we offered players a first glimpse at the upcoming Diablo III: Book of Tyrael, and today we're thrilled to announce the next novel in the Diablo series, Storm of Light!
Written by Nate Kenyon, author of , Storm of Light is a bridge between the events of Diablo III and the story that is to come in its first expansion, Reaper of Souls. This new novel features Jacob and Shanar from the Sword of Justice comic series and is now available for pre-order at Simon and Schuster.
The High Heavens are healing after the fall of the Prime Evil. The Angiris Council has recovered the Black Soulstone and now stands vigil over the cursed artifact deep within the glimmering Silver City.
Amid these momentous events, Tyrael struggles with his position as the new Aspect of Wisdom, feeling out of place as a mortal among his angelic brethren and doubting his ability to fully embody his role. As he searches within himself and the Heavens for reassurance, he senses the Black Soulstone's grim influence on his home. Where harmony of light and sound once reigned, a mounting discord is threatening to shroud the realm in darkness. Imperius and the other archangels vehemently oppose moving or destroying the crystal, leading Tyrael to put Heaven's fate in the hands of humankind….
Drawing powerful humans to his side from the far ends of Sanctuary, Tyrael reforges the ancient Horadrim and charges the order with an impossible task: to steal the soulstone from the heart of Heaven. Among the champions entrusted with this burden are Jacob of Staalbreak, former avatar of Justice and guardian of the angelic blade El'druin; Shanar, a wizard with phenomenal powers; Mikulov, a lithe and reverent monk; Gynvir, a fearless and battle-hardened barbarian; and Zayl, a mysterious necromancer. With time and the forces of both good and evil against them, can these heroes unite as one and complete their perilous mission before the Heavens fall to ruin?
Be among the first to find out what happens to our heroes and pre-order your copy of Storm of Light at Simon and Schuster today.
If you're looking to get caught-up with all of the books that take place in the world of Diablo, we'd also recommend checking out this complete listing of the Diablo books in chronological order.

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