美服《永恒之塔》四周年活动&好礼 你还等什么

2013-09-12 1391

守护者是长达一个月的永恒之塔四周年纪念活动! 暂停你的Atreia旅程, 来参加庆祝活动吧。

炼金术事件——通过从日常任务中获得的密钥或将炼金术的精华与铅碎片融合炼出的钥匙打开世界各地的特殊箱子。箱子里有大量的奖励,那么充分利用吧。活动正在进行, 将于9月18日结束。

守护者日事件——各种庆祝活动,包括特殊纪念日蛋糕,奖励玩家守护者翅膀的任务, 能够让玩家获得金色羽毛购买奖励的挑战, 以及捉迷藏游戏, 奖励玩家寻找迷你纪念日蛋糕。 9月18日开始至10月2日 。

留下遗产: Aethertech——玩家再次有机会在永恒之塔永远留下他们的标记。玩家可以以提交自己对Aethertech钥匙及机甲的设计, 其中的设计将用于 Aethertech新职业。 活动从今天开始到9月25日结束。

以海盗的方式说话——给你的角色穿上独一无二的海盗装备,在遵守海盗日规则,参与各种主题活动。海盗装备9月18日发售, 活动将于9月19日 !

游戏中通用事件—— NCSOFT GMs进入游戏举办各种活动和小游戏,将玩家聚集起来,给他们到来丰厚的奖品。专业玩家网提供的游戏心得体会,让游戏玩家得到别人游戏的经验,能节省很多游戏时间,带来更多快乐。


Celebrate Aion's 4th Anniversary!
Prepared for Daevas is a month-long celebration of Aion's 4th anniversary! Take a pause in your journey through Atreia and join in on the festivities to commemorate the anniversary.
Alchemy Event – Unlock special chests throughout the world with keys obtained from daily quests and by combining Alchemic Essences with Lead Fragments. There are tons of great rewards available in the chests so make the most of this event every day.  This event is currently underway and will end on September 18. 
Daeva’s Day Events – A variety of celebration activities that include special anniversary cake buffs, quests rewarding players with Deava Wings, challenges that enable players to earn golden feathers to purchase rewards, and a hide-and-seek game that rewards players for finding mini-anniversary cakes around the world. Starting September 18 and running through October 2. More details coming soon!
Leave Your Legacy: Aethertech – Players are once again given the chance to leave their mark in Aion forever.  Leave Your Legacy allows players to submit their very own design for an Aethertech Key & Mecha.  One design will be chosen and created for the new Aethertech class coming when Aion 4.5 launches in North America.  Starting today and running until September 25. Read more about it here.
Talk Like a Pirate Day – Dress your character in the latest designer North American exclusive Pirate gear in observance of the national Talk Like a Pirate Day and participate in various themed activities. Pirate gear goes on sale on September 18, and the Talk Like a Pirate day will be September 19!
In-Game GM Events – NCSOFT GMs will be making their way into the game to host a variety of activities and play mini-games designed to bring players together and handsomely reward them for their efforts. Check back here for more information.

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