美服《C9》新一轮促销到来 玩家准备迎大礼

2013-09-12 1126



促销期: 9/11/2013 - 9/25/2013

我们正在发生变化。有些人会寻求更好的自己, 而有的人则会完全改变自己的身份。
我们更新地宣布限时发布全新的增强包(1980 W硬币) ! 你会发现以下装备以帮助你升级:


此外, 我们还增加了两个备受期待装备 !
对角色名感到厌倦了吗?或许厌倦了公会的名字?用这些崭新的装备,你将可以自由选择新名字。此外, 在此期间,这些这些装备将享受30%的折扣。一旦促销结束, 他们将永久地入驻 商店,当然是按照在他们的正常价格。

角色重命名优惠券:690 W硬币(正常价格:990 W硬币)
公会名称更新:1110 W硬币(正常价格:1590 W硬币)——只有公会主人可以改变公会的名字。专业玩家网为游戏工作室提供最专业的游戏汉化教程


Sale Period: 9/11/2013 - 9/25/2013
The winds of change are upon us. Some will seek to better themselves, others to completely change their own identity!
We're excited to announce the release of a brand new Enhancement Package (1980 W Coins) for a limited time only! Within you'll find the following items to help you in your upgrading endeavors:
Chaos Stone x1000
Magic Primer x1000
Sacred Enhance Stone x3
Sacred Enhancer x3
Additionally, we're releasing two highly anticipated items for sale!
Tired of your character's name? Maybe your guild's name? With these brand new change items, you'll have the freedom to adopt new names for yourself. Moreover, these changers will be on sale (30% discount!) during this period. Once it's over, they'll be permanently introduced to the store at their normal price.
Character Rename Coupon: 690 W Coins (Normal Price: 990 W Coins)
Guild Name Update: 1110 W Coins (Normal Price: 1590 W Coins) - Only the Guild Master can change the guild name.
We look forward to seeing you in the world of Glenheim!
The C9 Support Team

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