美服《九阴真经》玩家分享古籍经验 帮你理清各种关系

2013-09-12 1622


问: 我的理解是七伤拳,狗打棒法和太极拳都是古老的功夫(我可能还有距离) ,在游戏中怎样得到他们呢? 买还是其他?




—— 飞刀技能

实际上有3套相当难获得。七伤拳更有名,因为它似乎比其他门派的功夫“更强”。 其他2个 是相当强的,但 不常用…回顾过去,我很少见到有人使用飘雪掌的。

问: 谁能告诉我, 是集齐10个片段就给完整的秘籍,还是一个等级给一本?
答:10 frags等于1技能。但这些技能是提示性的。
他们是好吗?这取决于你如何安排战斗。对一些人来说,这是胜利的保障,但对我而言,它只是些提示。大多数时候, 当我看到有人在阻止大件物体, 我就知道他们拥有太极拳。这不分辨。 打破他们, 而他们很少采取实际行动 ,因为偿还对他们太巨大。伤害过后迅速离开。  然后我等者他们动作, 畅通无阻的进入 愤怒范围,在行动之前杀死他们。 在这个阶段,我的君子堂角色 暴击1000 +伤害, 闪烁约2 - 3次。游戏工作室面对游戏封号的问题该怎么办,专业玩家网教你如何避免游戏封号,游戏封IP。


Q:  my understanding is that Cruel seven, dog beating staff and taichi fist are ancient skills sets ( I may be way off) have I missed any and more importantly how are they obtained in game? Are they bought or?

A: little wrong
Ancient sets ( Extremely strong but its PRICE is even more extreme )
- Ancient Taichi Fist
- Ancient Dog Beating staff
- Ancient Dragon Claw
You obtain ancient sets via Random Encounters
- Each encounter gives you 1 fragment
- And you need lots to make 1 book
- Current Sale price of Ancient Fragments range from 800 Liang to slightly less then 3 Ding

Instance Fragment sets
- Cruel 7
- Snow something palms
- Another knife throwing skill
There are actually 3 sets (pretty difficult to obtain)
- C7 just happens to be more well know because it seems "stronger" then most school skills
- Just like 4-leaf clover is thought to bring good luck due to rarity
- The other 2 are actually pretty strong too, but less used...
- Looking back, I never saw anyone fighting seriously with snow palms

Q:Can somebody clarify, does 10 frags give you a whole book for the ancient skills, or does it   only give 1 level of one skill?
A:10 frags equals 1 skill. But even then these skills are suggestive.
Are they good? depends on how you manage the fight. To some people it's an I win button but to me it's all suggestive.
Most of the times when I see a person blocking a ton and I know they have this skill open taichi. not hard to tell lol. just break their block, few actually move or react because the pay off is so great to them. do my damage and goose away. Then I wait for them to start the animation and spin, enter their unblocked rage and kill them before the animation ends. At this stage my scholar does around 1000+ Damage on crits and flickers around 2-3 times during my spin once I finish with wudang meri that should raise exponentially.

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