美服《火瀑》官方发声即将关闭游戏中的PvP 你怎么看

2013-09-13 1356

众所周知, 火瀑始于PvP。我们已经经历了多次更迭, 曾有一段时间追求颇具争议的电子竞技路线。很多人都知道, 它运行的并不好。我们最后的尝试是纯PvP电子竞技模式, Jetball, 虽然很有趣, 但它是一个高技能的游戏,并不吸引大多数玩家 (少于3% PvP )。

同时, PvP似乎也在遭受痛苦,因为我们把注意力都集中在更受欢迎的 PvE 部分。人们想要更多的内容, 更少的错误和更炫的世界系统。由于这些原因, 我们已经做出艰难的决定, 暂停游戏中的PvP,并将其系统脱机, 只有这样我们才能重新思考, 然后重新启动它。PvP是我们游戏中很重要的部分,我们希望可以正确发挥它的作用。

所以我们打算重组, 重新思考并为玩家提供最好的PvP系统。目前我们还没有确定具体的日期,但在不久的将来我们将关闭某些不能很好的反映游戏的PvP部分,然后在时机成熟后,再重新启动。

谢谢你们的理解。我们只是想为玩家提供最好的体验,取悦所有的玩家, 通过深刻的反思,我们可以做得更好。专业玩家网为游戏工作室提供最专业的游戏汉化教程


As you know, Firefall started with PvP. We have gone through several iterations, and for some time, pursued the controversial e-Sports route. As many of you know, its not working very well. Our last big attempt was a pure PvP eSports mode, Jetball. While very fun, its a high skill game and doesn't attract many of our players (less than 3% PvP in Firefall).

Also, PvP has suffered as our focus has had to focus on the popular PvE part of our game. People want more content, fewer bugs, and more polish on these world systems. For these reasons, we have made the tough decision to suspend PvP and take the system offline so that we can rethink it and relaunch it. PvP is an important part of our game, and we want to get it right.

So we’re going to regroup, rethink, and deliver the best PvP system we can that can be enjoyed by everyone. We don’t have a timetable for this, but at some near future point we will shut off the PvP aspect of the game, which we feel does not represent Firefall at its best, and relaunch that part of the game when its ready.

Thank you for your understanding. We only want to deliver the best experience that entertains all of our players, and we feel that by taking the time to completely rethink our PvP and re-implement it to the highest standards, we can do much better.

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