美服《星际OL2》季前赛挑战即将开始 行动起来吧

2013-09-17 941

在未来五周, 至10月20日, 星际2的统治世界系列: 季前赛挑战即开启。在PS2团队的协助下,每个国家的玩家都将参加挑战,旨在为他们支持的王国获得点数, 以建立绝对统治权。

1. 每个玩家每周都有一个目标(季前赛每个星期都有相同的目标)
2. 每个星期我们都有一个帝国赢家
3. 活动将持续5周
4. 在第五周, 我们将决出整个季前赛的最后赢家。
5. 每个服务器都将参与其中, 你可以看到每个帝国整体的分数以及每个帝国在特定的服务器中的总体得分 
6. 每周都参与全球竞赛的玩家都可以得到相应奖励。专业玩家网为台服游戏工作室提供游戏加速器,游戏辅助




For the next five weeks, through October 20th, PlanetSide 2's World Domination Series: Preseason Challenge will be taking place. Assisted by members of the PS2 team, each nation will take part in challenges designed to earn points for their chosen Empire, thereby establishing dominance.

The basics:

There will be a weekly objective for everyone (pre-season will have the same objective each week)
Each week, we'll have an empire winner
The event will last 5 weeks
On the 5th week, we'll have the final winner of the entire pre-season event
Every server will be involved and you'll be able to see the overall score for each empire as well as the overall score for each empire on a specific server (scoring detail will be provided in the article I mentioned above)
Rewards will be given to every player who participated in each week’s competition on the global winning empire

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