
2013-09-21 1017

游戏要的就是不安定,而你的灵魂正处在危急关头。 像世界其他地方一样,这儿平凡无奇,  但记住,一旦走出去,你将冒很大的受伤甚至死亡的危险。但艾泽拉斯对于你。你的宠物甚至战甲都是个危险的环境 。
有很多原因可以解释为什么你处于危险之中,其中一些可追溯到法斯琪女士。作为伊利丹恶劣的仆人, 法斯琪负责腐蚀无数盲目的追随者。其病态心理的一个表现是海德思。你的任务就是以盾牌和战甲的名义消灭这扫兴的人。消灭这毒药的源头, 你很可能趾高气扬的带走战利品: 一个迷你版的被打败的敌人。专业玩家网提供游戏工作室项目、游戏工作室辅助工具、游戏工作室国外游戏资讯。



Crithto: 嗯, 佩恩有一次删除了悬念, 但你却可以得到腐坏的小水波。这个讨厌的生物, 可以爆发难以置信的伤害。 如果你像法斯琪女士一样脾气暴躁,那欢迎你用腐蚀,毒液喷射等方式来杀掉敌人。腐坏的小水波传闻显示是“伯爵的水坑,”但没有人知道这些水坑是什么。我怀疑他们的某些宠物团队的遗留者!



Major Payne’s Pet Menagerie: Tainted Waveling
Instability is the name of the game, and your soul is what’s at stake. This is commonplace all over the world, mind you—you risk serious injury or even death the moment you walk outside.   Azeroth is a dangerous environment for you, your pets, and even your shiny armor . . . if you have any. Don’t let the rays of light from mine blind you!

There are many reasons why you might find yourself in peril, and quite a few of them can be traced back to Lady Vashj. A vicious servant of Illidan’s, Vashj is responsible for unspeakable actions that have corrupted numerous mindless followers. One such manifestation of her ill-temperament is the elemental Hydross—and your charge is to vanquish this wet blanket in the name of polished shields and brilliant hauberks everywhere! Lay waste to this gurgling spout of poison, and you may very well walk away with the greatest form of mockery ever to exist: a miniature version of the foe you’ve defeated! Bwaahahaha, look at the teensy you!

Taint their minds with your knowledge, pugmeister!

Crithto: Well, Payne’s removed the suspense once again, but the prize you’re after is the Tainted Waveling. A loathsome creature, this pet is capable of incredible burst damage by coupling Acidic Goo with Ooze Touch. If you’re as ill-tempered as Lady Vashj, though, you’re welcome to decompose your opponent in a torturous manner by using Corrosion, Poison Spit, and Creeping Ooze. Rumors suggest the Tainted Waveling is the “Earl of Puddles,” but no one’s said what those puddles are. I suspect they’re the remains of someone’s team of pets!

Get on out to Zangarmarsh and go for a swim.  Come join the discussion about this pet in our Pet Battles forum. You can also learn more about the Tainted Waveling by visiting WarcraftPets.com.

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