美服《英雄联盟》英雄年度大降价 泽拉斯/厄运小姐等均在优惠之列

2013-09-21 1692


在过去的一年, 我们对英雄的降价优惠活动已有了固定的时间表, 主要基于英雄发布的日期。 每发布第三个英雄,当前额外的售价为4800 IP的英雄就会降低到另一个最低价格等级,根据其年龄和难易程度。

以下是我们下一组计划降价的详细安排。请注意, 因为降价的消息都是提前发布的,所以在此之前已购买过的玩家不享受退款服务。

我们下一个发布的英雄(卢西恩之后):泽拉斯的价格将降低到4800 IP / 880 RP,厄运小姐将降低到3150 IP / 790RP.专业玩家网提供游戏工作室项目、游戏工作室辅助工具、游戏工作室国外游戏资讯。



对于以下发布的英雄: 格拉夫将减少到4800 IP / 880RP。

在此之后发布的英雄:希瓦娜将降低到4800 IP / 880RP。




Champion Price Reduction
For the past year, we’ve been reducing champion prices on a fixed schedule, primarily based on champion release dates. With every third champion we release, an additional champion currently priced at 4800 IP or lower will be reduced to the next lowest tier, based on age and ease of play.
Here are the details on our next set of scheduled price reductions. Please note that because these price reductions are preannounced, refunds will not be granted to players who purchase these champions prior to their price reductions.
For our next champion released (after Lucian): Xerath will be reduced to 4800 IP / 880 RP and Miss Fortune will be reduced to 3150 IP / 790 RP
For the following champion released: Graves will be reduced to 4800 IP / 880 RP
For the champion released after that: Shyvana will be reduced to 4800 IP / 880 RP

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