
2013-09-21 1475




地点: 铁炉堡(联盟)以及奥格瑞玛(部落)。银月城、达纳苏斯、幽暗城、暴风城、雷霆崖、埃索达以及沙塔斯城外也将设有啤酒花园。
货币: 美酒节奖币

1. 节日首领:科林---烈酒
是时候找到黑铁矮人的巢穴并歼灭那些黑铁爱矮人了。 玩家可以依照线索追踪到黑石深渊,跟破坏的罪魁祸首科林•烈酒战斗。他将掉落一些特殊装备,包括史诗级的武器、饰品(物品等级470)以及稀有坐骑。


2. 开罐仪式


3. 月酒俱乐部

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4. 赛羊(日常任务)
冒险者们和尼尔•拉姆斯登或赛羊管理员雷恩对话来展现赛羊技术。为了让他们相信你并将宝贵的羊交给你,你要证明你可以控制它们。 一旦你展现出自己在控羊方面的专长, 你可以通过递送小桶得到美酒节奖券。

5. 招募宣传员(日常任务)



Brewfest Prize Tokens are the currency to purchase festival clothing and other special items. You can collect them by completing quests, including the daily quests that are part of the festival.
Seasonal Boss: Coren Direbrew
It's time to track down the source of the Dark Iron attacks and end them once and for all. Players will follow a trail of evidence that leads to Blackrock Depths, where they can do battle with the mastermind behind the attacks - Coren Direbrew. He drops special rewards including epic weapons, trinkets, and rare mounts.
Ceremonial Keg-Tapping
Each day at 6:15 AM and 6:15 PM server time, High Tinker Mekkatorque (Ironforge) and Vol'jin (Orgrimmar) come out to the Brewfest grounds for a brief Tapping of the Keg ceremony. Witnessing the ceremony grants players a buff that increases experience earned by 10%.
Brew of the Month Club
For 200 Brewfest Prize Tokens, you too can join the exclusive "Brew of the Month" Club. Once a member, you are sent a new brew in the mail every month, each with different properties. If the brew is to your liking, you can purchase more from specific vendors in Ironforge or Orgrimmar.
Ram racing 
Adventurers can show their ram-riding skills by speaking with Neill Ramstein or Ram Master Ray. Before they'll trust you with their precious rams, though, you'll need to prove you can control one! Once you've proven your expertise at handling the rams, you can earn some Brewfest Prize Tokens by picking up some kegs of brew from Kharanos or Razor Hill and bringing them back to the fest.
Barkers Wanted 
The representatives of some of the major breweries want adventurers to help out by advertizing their brews in Orgrimmar and Ironforge; just speak to one of the brewers for Barleybrew or Thunderbrew outside of Ironforge or T'chali's Voodoo Brewery or Drohn's Distillery outside of Orgrimmar to get started.
Defend the Fest 
During the first few days of the Brewfest, the envious Dark Iron dwarves will launch a sneaky invasion of the festivities. Determined drinkers must rally to protect the ale and to give the Dark Irons a sound thrashing lest they make off with the booze.

Merchants and Vendors
These professional hoarders will trade Brewfest Prize Tokens for food, festive clothes, mounts, a pet, and more!

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