美服《暗黑3》巅峰2.0系统详情 新变化让我们拭目以待

2013-09-21 2084


 1. 在巅峰2.0中,我们做了三个重要的变化。首先, 我们删除巅峰等级上限,玩家现在可以随意获得更高的等级。 第二, 巅峰等级现在是帐户延伸。游戏类型=游戏模式(即普通和专家模式)。所有普通角色将共享一个巅峰等级,同样, 所有专家角色将共享一个巅峰等级。在2.0发布后,你在普通或专家模式下获得的巅峰经验将分别移植到账户普通共享巅峰和专家共享模式中去。 第三个变化是,我们已经删除了巅峰等级先天发放奖励,玩家现在需要在升级的时候获取巅峰点数。这些点数可以用来增强个不同的类别的各种属性:核心属性,进攻,防守,冒险。

2. 巅峰点数可用于什么类型取决于你的巅峰等级,巅峰等级1给与你1点数,可用于 “核心属性,巅峰等级2可给与你用于“进攻”的点数, 巅峰等级3则可用于“防御性”, 巅峰等级4可用于“效用”(或“冒险”)。每个模范水平过去,遵循相同的模式。

3. 除核心属性(敏捷,智力,力量,活性之外),所有的其它类别分配到的点数都有上限,这也意味着这3中类别的总数也是有上限的。目前,这意味着如果你达到共享巅峰800, 那你分配在 进攻,防守和实效上的点数已达到最大值,以后获得的等级将值能用于核心属性。
4. 你帐户的巅峰点数池不在你的角色间共享。相反, 你的帐户上的每一个角色都要建立自己的点集独立使用(例如:你可以在角色上使用不同的巅峰点 )。

5. 当巅峰2.0上线后, 我们将在你的角色上添加所有的巅峰经验, 我们将根据总数---你巅峰经验的总数而不是等级的总数---来确定你最终的巅峰等级。
6. 由于巅峰2.0的升级曲线还未完成,我们无法提供当前的巅峰等级和共享巅峰等级间的直接转换。

7. 在2.0中, 如果一个角色死亡或被删除,其巅峰经验值不会消失而是转移到共享中去。受益的是你的账户而不是角色。专业玩家网提供游戏工作室项目、游戏工作室辅助工具、游戏工作室国外游戏资讯。

8. 所有的角色都能平等为共享巅峰做贡献, 为同一个职业的多个角色升级不会有额外的奖励当然也不会有什么负担。


Paragon 2.0 is a work-in-progress.
All points below are as of current design. Details are subject to change before Paragon 2.0 goes live.
 - With Paragon 2.0, we're making three significant changes to the Paragon system. The first is that we're removing the cap on Paragon levels. Players can now earn as many Paragon levels as they please.
- The second is that Paragon levels are now account-wide per game type. Game type = game mode (i.e. Normal and Hardcore). All Normal characters on an account will share a Paragon level. Similarly, all Hardcore characters on an account will share a Paragon level. Following Paragon 2.0 going live, any Paragon experience you gain on your Normal or Hardcore characters will contribute to your account’s Normal Shared Paragon level or Hardcore Shared Paragon level, respectively.
- The third change is that we've removed the innate bonuses granted by Paragon levels, and players will now earn Paragon Points every time they level up. These points can then be spent to boost up various stats in four different categories: Core Stats, Offensive, Defensive, and Adventure.
- What category a Paragon Point can be spent in will be determined by what Paragon level you earn. Paragon level 1 gives you a point to spend in "Core Stat," Paragon level 2 gives you a point to in "Offensive," Paragon level 3 gives you a point to spend in "Defensive," and Paragon level 4 gives you a point to spend in "Utility" (or "Adventure"). 
- All categories other than Core Stats (DEX, INT, STR, VIT) have a cap on the number of points that can be allocated to them, which also means there is a cap to the total number of points that 3 of the 4 categories can have. At present, this means if you reach Shared Paragon 800, you will have maxed the number of points that can be allocated to the Offensive, Defensive, and Utility categories and all future Paragon levels you earn will grant you a point in the Core Stat category instead.
- Your account's Paragon Point pool is not shared between your characters. Instead, characters on your account will each get their own set of Paragon Points to spend independently (e.g. you can spend your Paragon Points differently for each character). 
 - When Paragon 2.0 goes live, we'll being adding up all the Paragon experience on each of your characters, and we'll be using that combined total (the total amount of Paragon experience you have, not the total number of Paragon levels) to determine your Shared Paragon level. Again, this will be broken down by game type.
- The leveling curve for Paragon 2.0 has not yet been finalized, so we are unable to provide a direct conversion of current Paragon levels > Shared Paragon levels at this time.
- Under Paragon 2.0, if a character dies or is deleted, the amount of Paragon experience it contributed to your Shared Paragon level will not be lost. This is a benefit of having Paragon experience stored at the account level, rather than at the character level.
 - All characters will be able to contribute to Shared Paragon levels equally. There are no bonuses or burdens for Paragon leveling multiple characters of the same class.


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