美服《TERA》新增永久免费58级新角色 你值得拥有

2013-09-21 1524

TERA 是个大世界----我们希望你和你的朋友能够有更多体验。这就是为什么我们会为所有新玩家以及已存在的账户提供一个永久免费等级为58的角色。 这将是你体验新角色而无需从头开始的大好时机。

1. 凡是在9月19 日上午10点至9月22日夜里11:59(PST)创建的新角色都符合此次活动。
2. 你必须创建选择种族和职业并以Levelup 作为名字的结尾部分
3. 从9月23日周一开始,, 我们将运行脚本,为符合条件的玩家升级。

1. 等级:58
2. 名称更改凭证(非贸易)
3. 初学者安装。
4. 所有职业的T11绑定装备(请用额外的素材)
5. 所有的装备将被发送到包裹
6. 所有的故事任务(可用, 但不全面)



The world of TERA is a big place — and we want you and your friends to experience as much of it as possible. That’s why we're offering a free, permanent level 58 character for all new and existing accounts. It’s  a great opportunity to try your hand at a new class without having to start from scratch.
This event is for a limited time only. If the test is successful, we will use the feedback to further improve your TERA experience going forward.
Here are the guidelines on getting your level 58:
• New characters created between Thursday, September 19 at 10 a.m. PST and Sunday, September 22 at 11:59 p.m. PST will be eligible for this event.
• You must create a race and class of your choosing and assign a name ending in ".Levelup"
• Starting Monday, September 23, we will run a script that levels up eligible characters.
• Characters will provided with:
- Level 58
- 1 Name change voucher (non-tradable)
- 1 beginner mount.
- T11 soulbound gear for all classes
- All items will be sent to parcel
- All story quests (available, but incomplete)
While we are taking measures to ensure that the Level Up Test Event runs smoothly, we want to remind you that this is a test, which may result in technical issues or delays. Expect updates to this thread regarding such matters as well as announcements when we start and finish the script. If all goes as planned, all participants can look forward to a brand new level 58 character to adventure with in the world of TERA.       

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