美服《最终幻想14》公会谕令&派系解读 帮你更好掌握游戏

2013-09-23 1444

公会谕令是另一种类型的任务, 你将在正常任务中心系统外获得。命令位于责任发现工具。公会命令可以帮助你在升级的过程中做好加入队伍的准备。如果你是一个没有经验的网游玩家, 参与hests将帮助你开发技能, 在进入最后的地下城之前,你需要了解你在一个帮会中角色。 Hests还奖励第一次冒险的玩家大量经验和吉尔。如果你有网络游戏做hests的经验,在做任务时为第二或三个职业升级, 你会得到额外的经验。

大多数网游都有派系,你必须积累声誉以获得某种类型的奖励。在ARR中,派系代表大公司。每个大组织代表三大城市之一。林沙·罗明萨 ,格瑞丹尼亚和乌尔达。你想加入大组织的最大原因是获得坐骑。之后你不需要在跟这些团体有什么交集。 如果你想继续跟他们有关系,你可以通过完成一系列的副地下城,获得声誉。 你还需要我完成完大公司特定的狩猎日志,收集大量的公司印章 。因为你的努力,你将能够从大公司获得物品。专业玩家网为工作室提供韩服游戏注册教程和免费韩服游戏代理。  

Guildhests are another type of quest that you will earn outside of the normal quest hub system. Hests are located in the duty finder tool. Heists help prepare your character to participate in group content as you level. If you are an inexperienced MMO player, participating in hests will help you develop the skills you need to understand your role in a party before you have to go head long into the end game dungeons. Hests also reward a first time adventurer a substantial experience and gil boost when completed. If you are not new to MMOs doing the hests while leveling a second or third class can go a long way to supplement some of the experience gains you will not find in certain areas 。
Most MMOs have factions that you have to grind up reputation with in order to earn some type of reward. In ARR factions are represented by grand companies. Each of the grand companies represent one of the three major cities. The Maelstrom ,The Order of the Twin Adders (Gridania), and The Immortal Flames (Ul’dah). The biggest reason you will want to affiliate yourself with a Grand Company is to earn your mount. After that you are not required to gain any further affinity with these groups. If you choose to you will earn reputation with them by completing a number of side dungeons that are not part of the main storyline. You will also need to complete grand company specific hunt logs and collect a large number of company seals which most of you probably have in spades   For your efforts you will be able to purchase items from grand company outfitters 。

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