美服《坦克世界》游戏新特点总结 带给玩家别样震撼

2013-09-24 1163

 当我们不断改进游戏元素, 比如更快更好与你们交流, 我们要暂停片刻, 简单的回顾2012年夏季以来已经实现的一些特点,同时我们将期待, 将在游戏中添加新的内容。 

在过去的一年, 感谢你们的的持续投入, 我们已经能够通过新功能、界面调整和游戏设定的变化,进一步加强和改善坦克世界。
2012年、最基本的变化我们使用了新的物理引擎,改变了坦克移动和与游戏世界互动的方式, 增强游戏设定。
新功能的使用使坦克跟现实世界中的更接近, 允许玩家倒下,跳跃下水,甚至在高速运行中会打滑——永远改变坦克的移动和表现 。


2012年夏天两个新的战斗模式被添加到随机战役中, 遭遇战和突击战
正如你所知, 遇遭遇战模式允许两队在没有基地的情况下开打,迫使你要么战斗获得中立的基础或消灭对方队伍。


在突击模式中, 一个团队保护一个基地, 而其他队伍则要攻击。如果在规定时间内攻击的队伍没有取得成功,那他们就输掉了比赛。要在10分钟内完成比赛, 这势必是交替性的和更快的战斗模式.专业玩家网提供的游戏心得体会,让游戏玩家得到别人游戏的经验,能节省很多游戏时间,带来更多快乐。



As we continue our constant improvement of game elements, like better and faster communication with you, we want to pause for a moment and take a brief look back at some of the features we’ve implemented in World of Tanks since summer 2012.  As well, we will look forward, covering some of the future features and changes we’re aiming to include in the game.
Game Mechanics and Gameplay
Over the last year, thanks to your continued dedication to the game, we’ve been able to further enhance and improve World of Tanks with new features, interface adjustments and changes to gameplay. 
Improved Physics
As we’re sure you’ll agree, one of the most fundamental changes we made in 2012 was the implementation of a new physics engine that changed the way tanks move and interact with the game world and enhanced gameplay with a new level of realism.
Implementing improved physics enabled tanks to behave more like they do in the real world, allowing you to fall, jump, drown and even skid while travelling at high speed — forever altering the way your tanks move and perform in the game world.
Because of this change, all our maps were reworked, which meant it was necessary to alter and adapt your tactics for attack and defense.
New Battle Modes: Encounter and Assault
Two new battle modes were added to random battles in summer 2012, Encounter and Assault.
As you know, the Encounter battle mode allows both teams to begin the game without a base, forcing you to either fight to acquire a neutral base or annihilate the opposing team.
In Assault mode, one team defends a base while the other attacks. Should the attacking team be unable to capture the enemy base within the time limit, they lose the game, and no draw can be achieved. This aspect, together with a reduced battle time of only 10 minutes, allowed for an alternative and faster form of battle.
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