美服《黑金》官方Q&A 关注游戏最新动态

2013-09-25 1259

Q:任务如何运行? 每个单独玩家都能体验与其他玩家不同的故事线吗?

A:我们已经考虑到发展阶段的这种可能性,我们有可能实现区域的变化,但不会改变派系命运 。

A:是的, 场景触发后我们会有配音。

Q:对于设备升级, 会有符文/石头吗?
A:会有一个宝石系统, 你就可以升级。
A:坐骑和车辆风格是为了区分这两个不同的派别: 对立的玩家不能骑派系特定的坐骑。控制某些能源井的公会能够获得独特的车辆。游戏工作室项目,欧服,美服,台服,韩服,日服,国服,东南亚服等所有游戏收货商家信息请关注专业玩家网。


Q: How will quests function? Will individual players able to experience a complete different story line from others?
A: Each race will have their own unique storyline and starting area, races of the same faction will eventually converge on the same path after level 25.
Q: As a PvP-oriented game, will the action of players or dynamic events affect the outcome of faction warfare, regional balance, NPC attitude or routine?
A: We have considered such possibilities in developmental stages; we will most likely implement regional changes in the game later on, but not changing the fate of factions directly.
Q: Will you implement voice acting in cut-scenes?
A: Yes, there will be voice acting in-game when cut-scenes are triggered.
Q: Is there a dynamic weather system ?
A: We will implement such systems in future content updates.
 Q: For equipments upgrade, will there be runes/stones?
A: There will be a gem system which you’ll be able to upgrade and socket equipments.
 Q: Will fantasy faction players able to ride steam mounts or vehicles? How will the two factions interact?
A: Mounts and vehicle styles are designed to segregate the two distinct factions: opposing players will not be able to ride faction-specific mounts. Guilds that control certain Energy Wells will have access to unique vehicles

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