
2013-09-25 1126

1. 开发人员运用玩家在地标中使用的工具构建无尽的任务2 。
2. 所有的玩家都将有一个简单的角色头像, EQ2的缩小版。
3. 玩家可能参与多个情节/土地所有权。

4. 凡参与公会的玩家都可以得到奖励。

5. 每建成一个装备,玩家都可图画,刷子是可调的。

6. 玩家可以建立自定义活动提醒
7. 玩家可以为公会设“标签”和主题,这样其他人可以找到他们自己感兴趣的东西。

8. 这个标记过程将涉及一些浏览器和手机功能和支持。

9. 玩家地图是通往其他公会的门户。玩家可排队访问。

10. 玩家将可以为他们喜欢的公会员打分。
11. 当玩家出售他们的公会, 他们卖的是蓝图, 而不是对象本身。

12. 模板将帮助玩家建造, 它们并不意味着只用于玩家工作室。

13. 玩家可建造什么类型的装备没有限制,科幻、奇幻、现代等都可以。

14. 物品尺寸有限制 。不能建构城市,只能构建村庄和地下城。

15. 无尽的任务下:地标零售价格的- 0.00美元

16. 第一个发布的地标将只包括建筑,没有植物或动物。

17. 玩家工作室目前只在美国开启,他们正在进一步扩张。

18. 团队内部正在讨论关于使用3 d软件与游戏工具使用的情况。

19. 在地标中没有自我锻造的模式。
20. 将会有一些“微交易”, 但地标中只占很小一部分。

Developers are building EverQuest Next with the same tools players will use in Landmark
Players using Landmark will have an upkeep cost on the claimed area they are using.
All players will have a simple character avatar; a scaled down version of an EverQuest Next avatar.
Players may participate in multiple plots/land claims.
Everyone who participates in a build gets credit/reward for their effort.
After an item is built, it may be painted.  Brushes are adjustable.
Players will be able to set up custom activity alerts about the builds they are participating in.
Players may ‘tag’ and theme their builds so others can find what they are interested in.
This tagging process will involve some browser and phone functionality and support.
The player map is the gateway and portal to other builds.  Players will be able to queue up locations to visit.
Players will be able to rate and subscribe to builders they like.
 When players sell their builds, they are selling a blue print, not the object itself.
Templates will help players build and are not meant just to be used in the Player Studio.
 No limit to what types of items players can build – Sci Fi, fantasy, modern, etc.
There will be size limits on items.  No cities, can build villages and dungeons.
 Retail price of EverQuest Next: Landmark – $0.00
The first Landmark release will include buildings only, no flora or fauna.
The Player Studio will be US only to begin.  They are working to expand further.
 The team is debating internally about the use of 3D software to be used alongside game tools.
No Minecraft-style creative mode in Landmark.
There will be some microtransactions, but ultimately very little for sale in Landmark

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