美服《TERA》周末大奖 参与得意外惊喜

2013-09-26 1201


囤积好保险箱钥匙, 因为在本月最后五天的光辉的日子里, 你打开的每个锁保险箱, (不包括口袋宠物保险箱) 将有机会成为一个真正的聚宝盆,收货甜蜜战利品!职业玩家游戏工作室论坛,为您提供游戏项目,游戏辅助,VPN,国外游戏资讯等最新信息。


活动开始于9月26日星期四的例行维护之后,每次你打开一个锁着的保险柜, 你可以立即获得300神秘的卷轴。
大奖周末持续到10月1日周二的维护, 准备好钥匙吧!
注意: 当打开保险箱时, 一定也要打开至少三个库存空间 。神秘的卷轴已经到了100。 如果你没有足够的库存空间, 就不能赢得头奖。

You Could Hit the Jackpot
TERA Jackpot Weekend
Stock up on strongbox keys, because for five glorious days at the end of this month, every locked strongbox you open (not including locked pocket pet strongboxes) has a chance to become a veritable cornucopia of sweet loot!

Starting immediately after maintenance on Thursday, September 26, each time you open a locked strongbox, you could immediately win 300 master enigmatic scrolls.

The jackpot weekend continues until maintenance on Tuesday, October 1—so get your keyring ready!

Note: When opening strongboxes in an effort to win the jackpot, be sure to leave at least three inventory spaces open. Master enigmatic scrolls stack to 100. The jackpot will award three separate stacks of 100. If you don't have enough inventory space, you cannot win the jackpot.



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