美服《魔兽世界》PvP装备bug始末 官方补救新进展

2013-09-26 1219

很多人应该都注意到了,在过去的一周,我们经历了几个关于PvP装备的热补丁,现在我们想花点时间解释到底是哪里出了问题, 同时也解释一下针对此问题我们要做些什么。
问题源于对追逐帽的错误计算,你可能知道, 此上限是在每周的基础上计算出的。不幸的是, 对于一些玩家, 这些计算在14季开始前已经启动。
一旦我们认识到错误, 我们马上停止战利品供应商的活动, 并采取了补丁修复,纠正征服帽 (删除已经赢得的额外的战利品)。我们还创建了一个热修复补丁, 旨在解决其他地区维护期间初始误差与追赶的计算在在, 但在问题蔓延到其他区域之前无法应用。

一旦修正战利品上限的热修复补丁完成,它将适用于所有地区, 供应商呀可以重新出货。 当时, 我们相信热修复补丁不重启也能生效。 但不幸的是, 事实并非如此,所以在周末,许多玩家都能获得几件他们本不该获得的装备。最重要的是,小部分玩家可以获得征服成就,然后可以用荣誉点购买征服装备。

我们已经努力改正错误, 现在,进度如下:
然而,仍然有一些额外的装备,有些玩家能够得到。我们需要删除这个额外装备来维护所有玩家的公平环境,但我们也必须谨慎对待, 不能删除玩家合理获得的装备。

最糟糕的情况,我们已经开始调查拥有多个征服装备的玩家 。
稍好点的情况, 我们打算在下次维护期间,使用补丁修复,清除所有剩余的额外装备 。
在这两种情况下, 我们的计划是把过剩严重齿轮进入其残暴的等效,以确保没有球员是不小心没一个项目在一个给定的槽
我们非常抱歉给您带来不便 ,2 我们已经24小时不停地工作来尽快解决问题。专业玩家网游戏工作室论坛集合所有游戏项目及游戏辅助,游戏加速器,是游戏工作室必上网站。


Hello everyone,
As many of you are aware, there have been several hotfixes regarding PvP gearing over the past week. We wanted to take a moment to not only explain what exactly went wrong, but also what we’re going to do about it.
The problems started with an error in calculating the season "catch-up cap". As you may know, this cap is calculated on a weekly basis. Unfortunately, for some players, these calculations began before Season 14 had officially begun. So, when the season did start, those players essentially had an entire season’s worth of catch-up credit added onto their normal weekly cap of 2200.
As soon as we recognized the error, we despawned the Conquest vendors while we worked on and tested a hotfix to correct the artificially inflated Conquest caps (and remove extra Conquest that had been earned). We also created a hotfix that was intended to solve the initial error with the catch-up calculations during maintenance in other regions, but were unable to apply it before the issue had spread to other regions.
Once the hotfix to correct Conquest caps was completed, it was applied to all regions, and the Conquest vendors were respawned. At the time, we believed that the hotfix would take effect without realm restarts. That, unfortunately, did not turn out to be the case, so over the weekend, a number of players were able to acquire several pieces of gear that they should not have otherwise been able to. On top of that, a small number of players were able to earn the Grievous Conquest achievement, which then allowed them to purchase Conquest gear with Honor points.
We’ve since been working hard to correct our mistakes, and as of right now, here’s where we stand:
All players who had an inflated Conquest cap have had those caps corrected
The Grievous Conquest achievement vendors have been despawned temporarily, as no one should have access to them through normal play at this time
The Grievous Gladiator weapons have had their level requirement hotfixed to 91 temporarily, as no one should have access to them through normal play at this time
However, there is still the matter of the extra gear that some of these players were able to obtain. We need to remove this extra gear to maintain a level playing field for all of our players, but we also have to be extremely careful not to remove extra gear that players earned legitimately (as drops from world bosses, for example). To that end, here’s what we’re planning to do:
We’ve already begun manually investigating players with multiple pieces of Grievous Conquest gear, starting with the most abusive cases
For less abusive cases, we intend to apply a hotfix during the next maintenance period that should clean up any remaining extra gear
This hotfix will also remove the Grievous Conquest achievement from those who have earned it prematurely
 We are extremely sorry for the inconvenience this has caused, and are working around the clock to fix things as quickly and cleanly as possible. Thank you for your patience.

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