美服《DOFUS》Ogrines新服务 抓住机会享受吧

2013-09-26 1427


作为联盟一部分,你很骄傲吧,但是你的盾徽看起来很悲伤而且缺乏活力, 虽然它的名字——巧克力雨舞者——开始扰乱你的神经。有一件事是肯定的: 这两个DOFUS服务肯定能取悦你。



每个人都会犯错。 人永远都不应该后悔任何事情…只能转移到其他东西上。直到现在,你贫乏的品味和想象力一直在折磨着你,但是,好好感谢DOFUS扩充的十二神服务吧 !

发现两个新的DOFUS服务,单价每个700 ogrines:



Two New Ogrines Services for Alliances!
You are proud to be part of an Alliance. But your coat of arms looks sad and lacks vigour, while its name - Chocolate Rain Dancers - is starting to get on your nerves.. one thing is for certain: the two new DOFUS services are going to please you!

Everybody makes mistakes. One should never regret anything... just move on to something else! Until now, your lack of taste or imagination could have hunted you until the end of times, but thank the Twelve Gods the DOFUS services are expanding!

Discover the two new DOFUS services at the unit price of 700 ogrines each:
Alliance Name Change
Alliance Coat of Arms Change

Warning! Only the Alliance leader will be able to use these potions. They will be linked to the account for 2 months.

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