美服《炉石传说》新补丁即将发布 官方清除所有测试帐号

2013-09-27 1828

Beta测试开始之初,我们就说过会重置信息,清除在此过程中所有的进步和卡牌。之所以这样做是因为我们要对整个奖励系统和游戏进程进行适当调整。所以, 作为努力使竞争公平的一部分,以及让玩家准备好我们新发布的技术系统, 我们决定一次性清除所有β测试参与者账户。我们刚刚达到了清除账户的时机,因此现在要跟大家分享, 这对你来说将意味着什么,  在清除之后又会发生什么。

1. 什么是清除?
如果你参加了炉石传说的封测,那么你所有额进程都会被重置,包括你的金币,经 验和职业等级,奥术之尘的数量,解锁的卡牌, 以及你在你的奖牌榜上的名次。 当你在清除之后装载游戏,你就完全是炉石新玩家,你要做入门任务,看看伊利丹准备的有多充分。

2. 什么时候?

3. 我在炉石传说中花费的现金会白白流失吗?
绝对不会! 正如我们之前提到的,你在游戏中花费的金钱都会以金币的形式回馈,所以你可以重新购买相同数量的包和竞技场门票,不再收取额外的费用。 对于用现金买来的每个卡包,会返还你100金币;每个竞技场入场券会返还你150金币。请注意, 在清除之后购买的卡牌跟之前的不同,所以你不太可能再得到相同的卡牌。
跟金币类似, 你重新获得金币可以用来购买包或竞技场门票。

4. 我帮助测试商店并获得一个金色吉尔宾·梅卡托克卡! 他也会被清除吗?
你的好朋友吉尔宾会在你完成伊利丹入门任务时等待着你, 一旦你完成了任务, 你将收到“β英雄”任务奖励。

5. 未来还会有任何清除吗?
我们并不打算在做进一步的清除,这是对于β测试版和以后发布的官方版本。清除之后你获得的任何进展都会保留直到官方发布版本, 比如你获得的新卡,等级和排名。基本上,你可以保留你的东西。专业玩家比价器为外服游戏担保比价和担保交易。

6. 韩国,中国等地如何进行,他们甚至都没开始封测。


the reward system and overall game progression. So, as part of the effort to level the playing field and also prepare our players’ accounts for the release version of our progression system, we made the decision to schedule a one-time wipe of all beta participant accounts. We have just about reached the point in closed beta where we’ll be doing this wipe, and thus wanted to share what that will mean for you, what to expect on the day of the wipe, and what will happen immediately afterwards.
A wipe? What’s a wipe?
If you are participating in the Hearthstone closed beta test, your progress will be reset. This includes your gold, experience and class levels gained through play, arcane dust quantities, cards unlocked through progression, and your medal ranking in Ranked Play mode. When you load up the game afterwards, it will be as if you were starting in Hearthstone as a new player. You’ll have to play the introductory missions once more and show Illidan just how prepared he is! 
When is the wipe happening?
We’re getting ready to release a pretty major beta patch to Hearthstone, and the wipe will coincide with that patch so we can closely monitor testing with the implemented updates.
A patch! What’s in the patch!?
We’ll announce details of the patch in a separate blog, so stay tuned!
I spent real money in Hearthstone! Is that going away!?
No way! As we mentioned in the earlier blog, any money you spent in Hearthstone will be reimbursed as gold, so you will be able to repurchase the same number of packs and Arena tickets you bought previously without additional investment. For each card pack purchased with real money, you’ll get back 100 gold. Each Arena entry will get you back 150 gold. Please note that any packs you purchase after the wipe will be different than the ones you had previously, so it is unlikely that you will receive the same cards again.
Like all gold, the reimbursed gold credit can be spent on either packs or Arena tickets. So if you bought a pack bundle previously, and would prefer to use your gold credit towards Arena entry, that’s available as an option.
I helped test the store and got a Golden Gelbin Mekkatorque card! Is he wiped too?
Your good friend Gelbin will be waiting for you as soon as you complete the Illidan introductory mission. As soon as you’ve completed that mission you will receive the “Beta Hero” quest reward which will grant you Gelbin, as well as the gold credit for any purchases made prior to the wipe.
Will there be any wipes in the future?
We don’t anticipate any further wipes. This goes for both the Hearthstone beta and after the game’s official release. Any progress made during the beta after the wipe will be retained through the release of Hearthstone, such as new cards you obtain, levels that you gain and ranks you achieve. Basically, you’ll now be able to keep your stuff.
Wait, how will this work for Korea, Taiwan, and China? Closed beta hasn’t even started there yet!
Korea, Taiwan, and China will not be wiped. The wipe only applies to the beta participants currently playing in the North American and European beta tests.

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