美服《龙与地下城》官方Q&A 了解游戏内容最新动态

2013-09-27 1079

1.Q:更新过的德鲁依和圣骑士在公测中还会更新吗,或者是这些变化只会出现在内部测试中 ?

2 Q:游戏中会有另一个可选择的种族,还是所有成绩+ 1,玩家对大部分都+ 1的行为满意吗?

3 Q:对所有的模块和细节你们都会内测和四人测试吗?
A :是的。尽管公测过程已经结束,但这并不意味着我们结束了游戏的测试过程。整个过程到目前为止, 我们已经使用了更为有限的测试者群体----被称作Alpha测试者为我们做更集中更高级的测试。在游戏发布之前,玩家总会看到游戏内容的数次更迭,我们将继续推进这个过程,但最近我们已经大大扩展了我们测试群体, 计划继续使用他们进入游戏的开发的下一阶段。 从这个观点上看,游戏测试需要更加专注, 而被测的材料也要跟测试者想匹配,以确保 p材料适合它的目标受众。


1.Will the updates mentioned for the druid and the paladin be updated in the public playtest packet, or are those changes only going to be seen internally and in the private playtests?
They will be released publicly in the near future. We just needed a little more time to finish polishing those mechanics up, and we wanted to address other pieces of feedback before the latest release on the 19th.
2 Do you think we’ll see another racial option for humans other than the +1 to all ability scores or are people happy with the +1 for the most part?
We definitely recognize that there is some dissatisfaction with this expression of the human, and yet at the same time we know that it does some really positive things for the game, including providing a quick and easy option for character generation. Right now we’re exploring some options to address the dissatisfaction without losing the potential for a simple, easy-to-use race in the game. This is something that we will continue to test with our more limited pool of playtesters.
3 Will you have internal and private playtests for all the modules and bits Mike mentions in Legends & Lore?
Yes. Though the public playtest process is ending, that does not mean we are ending the playtest process. Throughout the process up to this point, we’ve used a more limited pool of playtesters—known casually as our Alpha playtesters—for more focused, advanced playtesting. These folk often saw several iterations of game content before something was released in some form to the public. We’re going to continue that process going forward, but we’ve greatly expanded our pool of Alpha playtesters recently, and we plan to continue using them heading into the next phase of the game’s development. From this point on, playtesting needs to be much more focused, and the material being playtested needs to be better matched up to the needs of playtesters to make sure the material is adequately serving its intended audience.

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