
2013-09-28 1389

故事是这样的:冷血的Trixxy几天前向我求助,帮她解决团队策略问题,当然, 驯兽师还能联系其他的谁呢?当天早些时候,历史学家Llore还给我安排了任务,让我研究永恒岛近期的异常,所以我碰巧在暴风城,她找到了我。鉴于勇士们已驻扎子那,我决定提前一天离开, 动身前往泰达希尔的鲁瑟蓝村,最终我见到了暗夜精灵城夜城达纳苏斯。我以前从来没到过那里, 所以一路上都在惊讶地看着他们奇怪的居民。

进入城市,立即吃惊于它的美。不仅因为它令人印象深刻的在大小, 还因为我终于找到一个值得我立留下的地方。我的红地毯呢? !立刻, 我直奔月神庙表达我对泰兰妲·语风的敬意。  在那里我要对付一个迅捷雷刃豹,用一只胳膊爬了几棵树。当我正四处溜达,欣赏风景时,我看到一棵巨大的树,当地人称为古老保护者。他和我坐在在叶子里,我们聊生活,哲学以及他作为暗夜精灵原始守护者的职责。


多么神奇的经历!很少有人或某事能比我自己的反思更能打动我。但我必须说,古人是奇妙的生物, 值得我们尊敬。他传授的智慧我会珍惜一生的。不, 我不会告诉你他说了什么!不用说,第二天我就到了冬泉谷,在那里遇到了Trixxy。嗯,真是一团糟! !


Major Payne’s Pet Menagerie: Blossoming Ancient
The story goes that Stone Cold Trixxy contacted me a few days ago looking for help with her team’s strategy. Of course, who else would a Master Tamer contact? Yours truly, that’s who! Earlier that day, Historian Llore had tasked me with researching the temporal anomolies that are occuring on the Timeless Isle, so I happened to be in Stormwind at the time she contacted me. Given that The Bravery was docked right there, I decided I’d leave a day early and set sail for Rut’theran Village on Teldrassil so I could finally see the night elf city of Darnassus. I had never been there before, so I was pretty amped up to walk through and be gazed upon by its astonished denizens.
I took the portal into the city and was immediately taken aback by its beauty. Not just because it was so lush and impressive in size, but because I’d finally found a place worthy of my own illustrious presence. Where’s my red carpet?! Immediately, I headed over to the Temple of the Moon, paid my respects to Tyrande Whisperwind。  here I got to wrestle with a Stormsaber, climb a couple trees with one arm—and then that’s when it happened. As I was rounding the area, checking out the sights, I happened upon a giant tree the locals called an Ancient Protector. He and I sat amidst the leaves and chatted about life, philosophy, and his duties as a primeval guardian of the night elves.
What an experience! Rarely does someone or something impress me more than my own reflection, but I gotta say, Ancients are wondrous creatures who deserve a sturdy salute. The wisdom he imparted me I’ll cherish for the rest of my life. No, I’m not tellin’ you what he said! Needless to say, I finally made it to Winterspring the next day, where I met up with Trixxy. Grrr, what a mess!! Gimme a second to take a few breaths . . . Crithto’s got something he wants to share with you anyway.

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