美服《激战2》世界VS世界第一季10月18日正式启动 变动先睹为快

2013-09-29 860

我宣布世界VS世界赛季第一季,经过对大家反馈的仔细考虑,我们决定对时间和联盟的组成做些改变。我们认为将北美花划分为三个联盟更合理, 这很像欧洲。对于北美, 前六名的世界将包括黄金联盟, 将在为期7周的比赛中彼此决斗。 银和青铜联盟均由9个世界组成,就像欧洲联盟那样运作。 我们已经做了这样的调整,旨在增加赛季中更具竞争性的比赛。

 随后我们决定推迟赛季的启动日起,直到10月18日星期五, 以便更好的测试我们做出的改变。 我们对北美地区做的这种改变,以及我们为确保它不会对游戏产生不良影响所做的努力,给每个玩家都带来了福利。 此外, 赛季会跟即将发生的改变一起到来,这样,我们就能够维持整个赛季的平衡。
预定的兑换所有世界能力点数的日期依然是10月1日, 在赛季开始前不会再有额外的兑换活动了。此外,我们将在01月1日匹配期间引入WvW奖励箱作为奖励,在每场匹配赛结束后,玩家都会依据其服务器的表现获得一、二、三个不等的奖励箱。这些箱子已经不再跟角色绑定, 相反将适用于你的帐户。这将是对WvW永久的添加,不论赛季是否启动都会持续使用。
我们相信,赛季一将取得巨大的成功, 这个新的形式比我们预计的要好太多。 赛季一还有所有我们之前已经讨论过的很棒的特性, 两周后就会启动。职业玩家游戏工作室论坛,为您提供游戏项目,游戏辅助,VPN,国外游戏资讯等最新信息。


I’m here to make an announcement regarding season one of World vs. World. After careful consideration of feedback, we’ve decided to make some changes to both the timing of the inagurual season and the composition of leagues. We decided that it made more sense to split North America into three leagues, much like Europe. In the case of North America, the top six worlds will comprise the gold league and will battle each other in a clash of titans over a seven week period. The silver and bronze leagues will be made up of nine worlds each and will function exactly the same as the European leagues. We’ve made this change in order to have more competitive matches over the course of the season
 We have subsequently decided to delay the beginning of season one until Friday, October 18 in order to properly test the changes that we have made. We felt it was in the best interests of everyone that we make this change to the North American matchups and that we do our due diligence to make certain that it wouldn’t negatively impact any other aspects of the season. In addition, this will align the season start with upcoming balance changes, allowing us to maintain this balance through the duration of the season and across the entirety of the game.
The scheduled refunding of all spent World Ability points will still occur on October 1, and there will be no additional refund prior to the start of the season. In addition, we will be introducing bonus WvW rank up chests as rewards for placement during a matchup on October 1. At the end of every matchup of WvW players will receive one, two, or three bonus chests depending on their server’s performance. These chests are no longer character bound and will apply to your account instead. This is a permanent addition to WvW and will continue regardless of whether a season is active or not.
 We are confident that season one is going to be a great success and that this new format is going to be even better than what we had previously planned. Season one will still have all the great features we’ve previously discussed, just starting two weeks later. 

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