
2013-09-29 979

在封测中的清空对我们非常重要, 它标志着重大的里程碑, 我们希望玩家能够获得更多乐趣。
首先, 清空不会很有趣。事实上, 他们是无趣的。我们选择了在封测期间进行清空是为了尽可能的少影响一些人。我们理解, 清空数据可能会导致一些挫折, 但从一开始我们就预计了这一天的到来。清空能够使我们平衡职业,并通过更大测试者群对其进行密切监测。

更大的测试者群是什么? 在清空及跟它配套的补丁发布之后,我们将使用跟之前不同的硬件。我不会用这无聊的幕后细节打扰你, 但是我们只能邀请有限的人数参与到第一部分的封测,而这也正式由于这些硬件的限制。有了这个补丁和清空, 我们将对硬件做一些严肃的转换,可以容纳大量的玩家。
这是一个进程--大门不会马上打开, 因为我们仍然需要确保这个硬件可以容纳我们将对它做的修改。 然而, 正如我们邀请更多的玩家进行封闭beta测试,“嘿, 他现在在封测而我却不在,所以他有很大的优势!”这种说法将大大减少,那些有少量的游戏经验的玩家很快将淹没在广大没经验的玩家中。专业玩家网,网游工作室门户站,为所有游戏工作室提供游戏打金技术,游戏防封技术。 


 The wipe in closed beta is very important to us, and marks a pretty big milestone that we hope a lot of you can be excited about.
First off, wipes aren’t super fun. In fact, they are negative fun. We chose to wipe in the closed beta at this point so we can impact as few people as possible. We understand that wiping data in Hearthstone may cause some frustration for people, but we anticipated having to do this since day one. Wiping will allow us to balance classes and carefully monitor that balance with a bigger player pool.
A bigger player pool? What? Well, after the wipe and patch that goes with it, we’ll be on different hardware than we were before. I’ll spare you the boring behind-the-scenes details, but we were limited in the amount of people we could invite to the first part of closed beta just due to these hardware limitations. With this patch and wipe, we’ll be making some serious transitions into hardware that can accommodate a larger pool of players. TLDR: Brace yourselves, the opt-ins are coming.
It’ll be a process—the gates won’t swing wide open right away, since we still need to make sure this hardware can hold up to the punishment we’re about to inflict upon it. However, as we invite more players to the closed beta test, the feeling of “hey, he’s in closed beta now and I’m not so he has a big advantage!” will diminish greatly since those players that have that small amount of play time “benefit” will soon be in the vast minority.

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