
2013-10-07 1143


时间已经到来!在漫长的游泳过程中,你已经经历了臭沼泽, 寒冷,褶皱的皮肤, 最重要的是,我为你努力成功发出的震耳欲聋的笑声。 但我不并总是像你听闻的那样冷血无情,我想现在是时候测试你的技能了。 现在你将面临真正的挑战, 你们中的大多数人都会失败在。。。呃, 我是说专注于比赛。咳咳,你准备好了吗? !
艾泽拉斯到处都有熟练的驯兽师和宠物团队,能够对这个星球上所有的面孔造成伤害。这些人渴望战斗, 这个星期,你的任务是看你能不能把它们拿下。更具体地说,你的任务是打败他们中的250个。你的努力会得到回报。因为看哪, 那些获得250场胜利的冠军们将得到世界上最稀有的宠物。


思考一下, 如果我们回到三年前。你在弥尔伦的密室,只有你和你可靠的武器。一无所有或大获全胜。没有人可以帮你, 你即将对抗的不是一个淘气的机器人, 而是一个巨大的红色按钮。继续! 点击按钮,面对他召唤出的怪兽。这个任务是一样的, 只不过, 你不需要按巨大的红色按钮,而是多次点击一个小按钮, 它会召唤出一种类似的怪兽, 而你回来到特定的位置,只需要打250个即可。这就是所有的东西!游戏工作室联盟首选专业玩家网,集合所有网游项目,游戏辅助,等游戏赚钱方法。


Major Payne’s Pet Menagerie: Stunted Direhorn
 The time has come! You’ve endured smelly swamps, frigid temperatures, wrinkly skin from swimming too long, and most important, my deafening laughter as you’ve struggled to succeed. But I’m not always as cold-hearted as some of you have suggested, and I think it’s time you put your skills and training to the test. Now you’ll face a real challenge that most of you will fail at . . . err, I mean focus on with great determination. Ahem. Are you ready?!

Scattered throughout Azeroth are skilled tamers with teams of pets capable of scarring the very face of the planet. These individuals are itchin’ for a fight, and this week, your mission is to see if you can take ’em down. More specifically, your mission is to take down 250 of ’em! You heard me! Your effort won’t be without reward, though. For behold, those champions who manage to score 250 wins in PvP Pet Battles will earn themselves one of the rarest pets in the world! My pink bow-wearing compadre will tell you more.
Consider for a moment that we’ve traveled back in time three years. There you are inside Mimiron’s chamber, just you and your trusty weapon. It’s all or nothing. No one is around to help you, and you’re about to face off not against a mischievous robot, but a giant red button. Go on! Press it and face the terrors it summons! This mission is much the same, except that instead of pushing a giant red button, you’re gonna push a tiny button a few hundred times that summons similar sorts of terrors and be put into a position where you only need to beat 250 of ’em. That’s all there is to it!

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