美服《永恒之塔》 Brax咖啡馆启动 好吃好玩好福利

2013-10-10 1559



先跟密室或万魔殿的咖啡推广人员对话启动事件。等级达到至少21级方可参与。然后去Oriel 或 Pernon 广场与咖啡馆经理交谈获得(14)个Oriel 或Pernon卷轴.如果你感到饿了,随便吃点咖啡厅经理的东西。你不仅能拿到随机食品物品,也会收到每次访问的食客标志。食客标志可以交换各种咖啡馆奖励包括30天的一般商品NPC或仓库经理! 所以每天都来一下咖啡馆,吃吃免费餐,拿拿时刻标志。



咖啡馆经理-Oriel 广场

咖啡馆发起人启动子- Vifrost桥,万魔殿

对于你的光顾, 咖啡厅经理会为你提供各种咖啡馆奖励。雇一个私人仓库经理或一般商品NPC30天时间或接收纪念品记住咖啡屋。如果你想要更多的美食,还有可爱的鸡蛋饼,可为你的DP值增加2000点。



 Brax Cafe
The Brax Café is open for business! For two weeks only, the café is giving out samples of their food to all patrons. Come in everyday from October 9 through the 23rd and dine free!
Start the event by first speaking to the Café Promoter in Sanctum or Pandaemonium. You must be at least level 21 to participate. Then head over to Oriel Plaza or Pernon Plaza to speak to the Café Manager to receive (14) Oriel or Pernon Scrolls-- one scroll for every day of the event! If you’re feeling hungry, grab a bite to eat from the Café Manager. Not only will you receive one random food item, you will also receive one Patron Mark for each of your visits. Patron Marks can be exchanged for various Café rewards including your very own 30-day General Goods NPC or Warehouse Manager for your home just for frequenting the café! Stop by the Café every day of the event to pick up your free meal and a Patron Mark!
- Location -
Café Promoter – Exalted Path, Sanctum
Café Manager – Oriel Plaza
Café Promoter – Vifrost Bridge, Pandaemonium
Café Manager – Pernon Plaza
- Rewards -
For your patronage, the Café Manager offers various cafe rewards. Hire a personal Warehouse Manager or General Goods NPC for a period of 30-days or pick up a souvenir of the Staff Formal costume to remember the Café by. If you're more of a foodie, there are Lovely Omelettes available to-go that will refill your DP bar by 2,000 points.
[Event] Brax Cafe General Goods Merchant (30 Days)
[Event] Brax Cafe Warehouse Manager (30 Days)
[Event] Staff Formal (1 hour)
[Event] Lovely Omelette Bundle
These rewards can be claimed by exchanging Patron Marks with the Café Manager any time during the event period. Café staff attires are also available on the store.

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