美服《TERA》万圣节活动--南瓜雕刻大赛启动 秀雕工赢奖励

2013-10-12 1829


tera  Halloween_pump_Header.jpg


你喜欢雕刻直通山顶的路径吗? 想加入竞争,设计自己的胜利吗?
TERA年度南瓜雕刻大赛回来了, 我们迫不及待的想看看今年你们能弄些什么出来?

提交一份JPG版本的图片, 在2013年10月20日周日晚上11:59之前发送到[email protected]
A 在邮件中要注明角色和服务器名。
B. 邮件主题应包括“南瓜雕刻比赛。”
C. 图片保持在4MB内。
D. 没人限制一张。

It's Time for TERA's Pumpkin-Carving Contest
Do you like carving a path to the top? Cutting into the competition and designing your own victory? (What about not-that-clever puns?)
TERA's annual pumpkin-carving contest is back, and we're excited to see what you can come up with this year!
The top five pumpkins will earn their carvers a Halloween Mask Pack containing 3 special Halloween-themed masks.
Carve a TERA-themed pumpkin.
Take a picture of the pumpkin. Do not use any image-enhancing software on your picture.
Submit a .JPG version of the picture to [email protected] by 11:59 p.m. PDT on Sunday, October 20, 2013.
a. With your e-mail, please include your character and server name.
b. Email subject line should include “Pumpkin Carving Contest.”
c. The photo should stay under 4MB in size.
d. Limit of one (1) entry per person.
Submissions will be judged by an elite team of En Masse employees.
This contest is for players in North America only, excluding North Dakota, Vermont, Connecticut, Maryland, and Quebec.
All standard En Masse Entertainment contest rules apply.
We look forward to your cute, funny, and spooky entries!

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