美服《魔兽世界》新时代已经开始 新手玩家的福利

2013-10-16 963



死亡之翼已经放飞! 从10月15日(PDT)开始, 玩家现在只需花费19.99美元就能能够获得原始魔兽世界, 燃烧的远征,巫妖王之怒和灾难,作为魔兽世界的全新升级包(原名战斗箱)。此外, 魔兽世界所有用户现在能够自动获得所有资料片的内容与功能, 而无需额外的费用。

这些改变, 会给新玩家带来前所未有的便利,让他们可以迅速开始在艾泽拉斯的史诗冒险。



 A New Age Has Begun—World of Warcraft Now Includes Cataclysm
  Deathwing has been unleashed! Beginning today, October 15, players are able to get the original World of Warcraft, The Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, and Cataclysm for only $19.99 as part of the newly upgraded World of Warcraft package (formerly known as the Battle Chest). In addition, all World of Warcraft subscribers now automatically have access to all of the content and features of these expansions at no additional cost.

With these changes, we’re making it easier than ever for new players to begin their epic adventures in Azeroth and join in on the fun.

The new retail edition of World of Warcraft will start hitting store shelves soon, but you can purchase the digital version now.

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