美服《英雄联盟》海洋之灾普朗克最新动态 海盗会变成绅士吗

2013-10-16 2303



为普朗克让路!比尔吉沃特的无赖居民现在正在清理他的外观,打算从海盗转化城上流人士。 但是不要妄想这些高贵的标签能够赋予普朗克仁慈的贵族气质。 他的竞争对手已经犯了这样的错误,而双方的谈判进行的并不顺利。 现在普朗克又有了可以炫耀的半月弯刀,海洋之灾的新模型和以往的动画凸显了他强大的装备。专业玩家网游戏工作室论坛集合所有游戏项目及游戏辅助,游戏加速器,是游戏工作室必上网站。




 Sultan Gangplank offers no parley!
 Make way for Sultan Gangplank! Bilgewater's resident scalawag is cleaning up his look and transforming from pirate scum to high-class lord. Don't think this regalia makes Gangplank some benevolent aristocrat though. One rival already made that mistake and diplomatic negotiations didn't end well. Now Gangplank has a fancy new scimitar to show off. The Saltwater Scourge's new model and recall animation underscore his accoutrements.

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