美服《DOFUS》官方定制Merkator训练计划 严阵以待2.16更新来临

2013-10-18 1473





看看你自己…更新2.16很快来临,你不确定自己是否能够应付得来。 你甚至都还没有开始提升自己,你需要一个教练, 他将每天检测你对 Fogger历史和事件的掌握情况,当然啦,表现好的话,他也会给予奖励。。。总之一句话,你需要Merkator训练计划!

如果你有一位优秀的教练,那么深入Sunktuary,进入Merkator的 Aquadome 就变得简单了。 海洋委员会主席和主席夫人作为你的教练, 很快你就会比任何人都要了解 Foggernauts, 你的口袋里将装满糖果和奖品。

每一天,你都会获得一个新问题, 如果回答正确, 你会赢得奖品!就这么简单。你会增加知识和自信心,同时恢复积极性。今天就应用此训练计划吧 !专业玩家网游戏工作室联盟,全面开展游戏工作室论坛项目,方便游戏工作室交流。


Try the Merkator Training Program!
Just look at yourself… Update 2.16 is coming and you’re not sure that you’re up to it. You haven’t even started lifting. What you need is a coach, someone to quiz you on Fogger history and current events every day and rewards you for good performance… You need the Merkator Training Program!
Diving into the Sunktuary and gaining access to the Merkator’s Aquadome is easy when you have the perfect coach! With the First Lady and President of the Sea Council Viktoria Punkhurst as your trainer, soon you’ll know more about the Foggernauts than anyone, and your pockets will be full to bursting with candies and prizes.
Each day, you’ll be given a new question, and if you answer it correctly, you’ll win a prize! It’s that simple. You’ll increase your knowledge and your confidence as well as regaining your motivation. Apply the Merkator program directly to your forehead today!

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