美服《TERA》万圣节派对已经开启 参与享好礼

2013-10-18 1530





从10月17日周四开始, 跟炮兵们一起合作保护爱尔德里奇节日大厅(3人禁地)里的糖果,在那里,好的目标及团队合作将起到很大的作用。

想要更多吗? 巴尔德在万圣节期间掉落的物品将帮助Consos氏族制止臭名昭著的血腥宴会。你可以多次捡起掉落的物品,做日常任务获得更多奖励!

今天就去看看吧 ——别忘了, 太阳节和沙滩派对仍如火如荼地进行着!专业玩家网游戏工作室论坛集合所有游戏项目及游戏辅助,游戏加速器,是游戏工作室必上网站。



Let TERA Halloween Begin!
 Halloween is just too good to wait for the end of the month, so TERA is beginning the Halloween party early!

Starting Thursday, October 17, crew the cannons and protect the candy stash in the Eldritch Academy’s Festival Hall—a three-player instance where good aim and better teamwork make all the difference!

Want more? Drop by Balder’s Refuge during the Halloween event to help the Consos clan put a stop to the infamous Banquet of Blood. And drop by again and again to pick up fun daily quests for even more rewards!

Log in today to check it all out—and don’t forget, the Festival of the Sun and the Beach Party are still in full swing, too!


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