美服《魔兽世界》大服务器计划最新进展 官方公布近期参与连接服务器

2013-10-26 1151


正如前面宣布的, 我们一直致力于将人口较少的服务器连接起来,自那以后已经完成了几个连接。作为我们正在进行的部分, 我们提供更新, 包含一系列的服务器, 目前计划完成的连服务器连接以及任何未来的额外的计划。

Auchindoun 和 Laughing Skull
Black Dragonflight 和Skullcrusher
Balnazzar 和Warsong
Burning Blade和Onyxia
Chromaggus 和 Garithos
Dalvengyr 和Dark Iron
Dethecus和 Detheroc
Dunemaul, Maiev, Boulderfist 和Bloodscalp
Hakkar 和 Aegwynn
Rivendare 和Firetree

我们计划对两个部分的服务器进行连接,第一批次于10月28日周一进行,这些服务器将在 6:00 a.m. 到11:00 a.m. PDT 期间进行维护。游戏工作室联盟首选专业玩家网,集合所有网游项目,游戏辅助,等游戏赚钱方法。
Blackwing Lair 和 Detheroc/Dethecus
Anub’arak 和Chromaggus/Garithos
Drak’Tharon 和 Firetree/Rivendare
Blood Furnace和Mannaroth
Nesingwary 和Vek’nilas
Haomarush 和 Detheroc/Dethecus/Blackwing Lair
Stonemaul 和 Bloodscalp/Maiev/Boulderfist/Dunemaul
Winterhoof 和 Kilrogg
Gul’dan 和Skullcrusher
Lightning’s Blad 和 Burning Blade



 Connected Realms Update
 As previously announced, we’ve been working toward connecting realms to increase the number of players on low-population realms, and since then have completed several connections. As a part of our ongoing communication, we wanted to provide you with an update that contains a list of completed realm connections, currently planned connections, and any additional future plans in one convenient location.
Completed Connections
Auchindoun and Laughing Skull
Black Dragonflight and Skullcrusher
Aegwynn and Gurubashi
Balnazzar and Warsong
Burning Blade and Onyxia
Chromaggus and Garithos
Dalvengyr and  Dark Iron
Dethecus and Detheroc
Dunemaul, Maiev, Boulderfist and Bloodscalp
Hakkar and Aegwynn
Rivendare and Firetree
Next Realm Connections
We plan to progress with two additional batches with the first batch connecting on Monday, October 28. These realms will be down for maintenance from 6:00 a.m. PDT through approximately 11:00 a.m. PDT and will be complete once made live.
Batch 1
Blackwing Lair and Detheroc/Dethecus
Anub’arak and Chromaggus/Garithos
Drak’Tharon and Firetree/Rivendare
Blood Furnace and Mannaroth
Nesingwary and Vek’nilash
Once determined, dates and times for the next batch will be provided in the General Forum and in-game breaking news.
Batch 2
Haomarush and Detheroc/Dethecus/Blackwing Lair
Stonemaul and Bloodscalp/Maiev/Boulderfist/Dunemaul
Tortheldrin and Frostmane
Winterhoof and Kilrogg
Gul’dan and Skullcrusher
Lightning’s Blad and Burning Blade
Plans for these connections may change at any time, but we’ll provide additional updates on specific dates for future connections here as we can. Please note that as a part of the connection process realm times may change to match each other.

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