美服《Z奇兵》史诗Renas殿预览 开始你的史诗之旅吧

2013-10-28 1430




等不及要承担新的挑战在RaiderZ吗? 你掌握了科文沼泽中的Rena殿副本了吗? 即将刺客更新的到来,我们将引入更困难的史诗 Renas殿副本。

Renas的辉煌, 女神的一滴泪珠。

史诗 Renas殿中,Kuld, Prology,和Veilnus有机会掉落来自女神的珍贵泪滴。借助于各种制作材料, 玩家将能够创造出最强大的和令人垂涎的武器和铠甲。



Epic Temple of Renas Preview
Can't wait to take on new challenges in RaiderZ? Have you mastered the Temple of Renas dungeon in Cowen Marsh? With the upcoming Assassin update, RaiderZ will introduce a more difficult version with the Epic Temple of Renas.
Brilliance of Renas, a teardrop from the goddess herself.
Inside the Epic Temple of Renas, Kuld, Prology, and Dark Veilnus have a chance to drop precious teardrops from Renas, the goddess herself. Along with various crafting materials, players will be able to create the most powerful and coveted weapons and armors in game.
Visit these two NPCs outside the Temple of Renas dungeon to craft your Epic equipment!
Become even stronger in RaiderZ with new Epic gear!

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