
2013-10-28 1071


好消息! 我们听说你们喜欢公路, 所以我们在CW地图中增加了更多的高速公路,(我们也删除一堆!)。 地图已在整个北美地区重新平衡, 添加一些夜间战斗地图。同时也把一些老面孔重新带了回来, 如锡默尔斯多夫,修道院, 普洛霍罗夫卡,安斯克,埃勒斯堡,科马林和机场。
第一次运动最大的疑惑是对北美服务器的命名,我们要帮助解决这个困惑, 所以我们将对以下地区进行重命名:


几乎所有(99.9%以上)的北美人口居住在北极圈以外。尽管北美确实包含了北极圈的一些地区, 这是我们最常见的对该地区的描述。专业玩家网游戏工作室联盟,全面开展游戏工作室论坛项目,方便游戏工作室交流。




 Clan Wars Global Re-Map
Good news, comrades! We hear that you enjoy Highway, so we added more Highways to the CW Map (we also removed a bunch too!). Seriously though, the maps have been rebalanced throughout the North American regions in order to add some variety to your nightly battles. This also brings back some old favorites, such as Himmelsdorf, Abbey, Prokhorovka, Ensk, Erlenberg, Komarin, and Airfield. 
One of the biggest sources of confusion during the First Campaign was the naming of regions used for the North American server. We’d like to help resolve this confusion, so we will be renaming the regions as follows:
“Canada and Alaska” will become “The Arctic Circle”
The southern border of this region matches very closely with the bounds of the Arctic Circle, which also includes nearly all of Greenland and a large part of Alaska.
“United States of America” will become “North America”
Nearly all (more than 99.9%) of North America’s population resides outside of the Arctic Circle. Even though North America technically does include some of the Arctic Circle, the most common perception of North America is that of the area depicted in this region.
These changes will go live with an update to take place on October 29.

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