美服《DOFUS》Al Howin再次出击 快来摧毁这嚣张的恶魔

2013-10-30 1018

Al Howin再次沸腾!


Al Howin花园总是黑暗弥漫,生锈的门吱吱作响,衣衫褴褛的Arachkin在你进门时总是成群结对的折腾你的头发。 要到摇摇欲坠的艾尔生活的木屋去,你就要走过被可怕蠕虫照亮的路。天空中Borbkins飞掠而过, 尖叫着发出刺耳的警告。你能活着完成这南瓜补丁吗?

虽从未承认过,但这衰老讨厌的pumpkwin补丁农民今年确实想念你们了。他思念地上遗留的冒险者们的美味骨头, 迷失在花园中的可怜人发出的渐渐微弱的呼叫声,最重要的是……他想要把他尖利的干草叉刺入胆敢来挑战他的人的肋骨。。

是的, 艾尔Howin唯一的朋友是Toadkins,Arachkins,蠕虫和Borbkins这些盲目地听从他命令的东西。这不是理想的友谊的情况,  但对贪婪的恐怖者艾尔来说,这并不是最糟糕的情况。  毕竟, 他诅咒整个十二世界, 那他到底期待什么呢? 艾尔Howin的诅咒再次出击, 从10月29日,本周二开始,到11月5日周二结束。游戏工作室联盟首选专业玩家网,集合所有网游项目,游戏辅助,等游戏赚钱方法。



Al Howin's Stewpot is bubbling up again!
 It's always nighttime in Al Howin's garden. The rusty gate creaks. Ragged Arachkin webs reach out to catch on your hair as you enter. Your path is illuminated by the eerie glow of Worm-o-Kins as you head toward the tottering, decrepit wooden shack where Al lives. Borbkins skitter through the sky, shrieking a shrill warning. Will you make it through this pumkwin patch alive?

He'd never admit it, but that grody old pumpkwin patch farmer missed you this year. He missed the delicious mulch he could make from ground-up adventurer bones, the lulling sounds of distant screams from the poor souls lost in his garden, and most of all... he missed jabbing his pointy pitchfork into the firm flanks of Iops and Sacriers who challenged him!

Yes, Al Howin's only friends are the Toadkins, Arachkins, Worm-O'-Lantern, and Borbkins who mindlessly follow his commands. It's not the ideal friendship situation, if we're honest, but it's far from the worst case scenario for a greedy, creaking horror like Al. After all, he did curse the entire World of Twelve, what did he expect? Al Howin's curse strikes again, starting Tuesday, October 29 and ends on Tuesday, November 5, 2013.


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