美服《暗黑3》资料片《夺魂之镰》初探: 威斯特玛城市设计

2013-10-31 1843



说到威斯特玛, 我们通常称它为“闹鬼的末日场景”。这曾经的繁华的大都市和西方的军事之都,因马萨伊尔的邪恶的噬魂爪牙的大肆破坏,现在已沦落至破百荒野。优雅的西欧和哥特式主题, 现在和死亡天使手下令人作呕的恐惧已经成为威斯特玛两大主题。


不要认为威斯特玛是一个简单的棕、黑、灰的城市,打造这个城市的每个颜色都是经过深思熟虑的。 为创建一个真正的黑暗和之城,我们需要营造情感氛围, 你会感觉负担沉重, 当面对马萨伊尔的夺魂镰时。


想象自己站在19世纪英国伦敦鹅卵石街道上,那时正处于哥特复兴阶段。成排成排的建筑物密集在一起, 偶尔伴有小而破的商店和庞大的通道。腐烂的晾衣绳连接在木瓦屋顶和肮脏的窗户之间, 带着厚重的刚洗过的衣服。排水沟和凹坑里积聚着恶臭的伴有动物粪便和丢弃物的水流,这一切都是无法形容的瘟疫的理想温床。
那不祥的感觉,就像是开膛手杰克或海德先生突然出现, 就是你在狭窄的小巷和宽阔的的威斯特玛城市广场探索时会经历的感觉。 我们的艺术家和设计师致力于进一步增强马萨伊尔留下的恐惧和厄运感,城市覆盖在蓝绿色雾霾中,小道上到处是乱丢的垃圾与尸体。游戏项目、游戏工作室辅助工具、游戏防封技巧,专业玩家网游戏工作室联盟,是网游工作室必选网站。


坐落于山上,俯瞰全城, 这个大教堂广场模仿了西班牙托莱多。始建于13世纪,作为一个高密度的城市, 高耸入云的塔 正好保护了回廊的安全,符合避难所的特质。 




Reaper of Souls First Look: Westmarch Level Design
Westmarch, Interrupted
When discussing Westmarch, we've often referred to it as the site of a "haunted apocalypse." What was once a bustling metropolis and the military capital of the west has now been reduced to something of a wasteland, its previous grandeur (and population) gutted by Malthael's vile, soul-pillaging minions. The elegant Western European and Gothic themes, upon which this city draws heavily, are now juxtaposed by the stomach-knotting dread that only the Angel of Death and his agents can bring.
 Don't expect Westmarch to be a simple palette of browns, blacks, and grays, though. More than a swatch of colors was considered when crafting this locale. Creating a truly dark and foreboding city requires evoking an emotional atmosphere, and you'll feel the burden of that weight as you brave the dangers wrought by Maltheal's reapers.
 The Lay of the Land
Picture the fog-laden cobblestone streets of London in the 1800's, in the midst of England's Gothic revival. The rows upon rows of buildings tightly packed together, occasionally punctuated with small, dilapidated shops and sprawling passageways. The rotting clotheslines hung precariously between shingled rooftops and grimy windows, heavy with freshly-washed laundry. Or the pools of fetid water flooded with animal waste and discarded trash stagnating in neglected gutters and potholes, ideal breeding grounds for unspeakable plague.
That foreboding feeling, a setting where Jack the Ripper or Mr. Hyde might seem perfectly at home, is what you can expect as you navigate the winding, narrow alleyways and broad town squares of Westmarch. Our artists and designers worked to further this sense of dread and doom by leaving visual breadcrumbs of Malthael's presense, covering the city in a blue-green haze and littering its byways with freshly-reaped corpses. To give Westmarch a more worn-torn, apocalyptic feel, they also peppered the landscape with tattered remnants of failed defenses (smashed bulwarks, supply carts, and spiked blockades, for example) and emptied the city of its living denizens, replacing them with animated constructs—all macabre reminders of the slaughter that has occurred.
A Welcomed Reprieve:
The inspiration of this Gothic age does not stop there, however. The Survivor's Enclave, the artisan and quest hub for Act V located in the heart of Westmarch, was designed to be a place where the remaining citizens could feel safe as they seek refuge from Malthael's army, and also a location where the nephalem can rest and regroup.
Settled atop a hill overlooking the city, this cathedral square has been modeled after a real world locale in Toledo, Spain. As a densely packed city originally built in the 13th century, its large cloister safeguarded by soaring towers seemed to fit the safe haven tone just right.

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