
2013-11-01 5262


我们已经在我们之前的文章中深入探讨过辅助武器的灵活性。40级及以上的角色可以稳步获得所有的他们选择的辅助武器的能力, 让玩家可以在任何时候玩两个角色中的一个,但对辅助武器,我们还有额外的功能。

有些武器可以跟其他武器协调得很好,最终的结果是对独特的武器组具有强大攻击力的兵器库。例如, 如果一个决斗者(其主要武器是双刀)选择枪手的双枪作为辅助武器, 他们将获得新的能力, 如速击, 他们对目标击中开火 。同样的决斗者也可以选择掷弹兵的大炮, 使用将爆炸和速射枪两种武器相结合的攻击。
同样, 施法者武器在扩充更广泛的影响方面卓有成效。术士获得效果范围内的新霜和风咒语,以及战队治疗能力。他们也可以选择竖琴作为辅助武器,将武器结合起来,召唤火灵,用音波刀重击敌人。


一切皆有可能,幸运的是,如果玩家们想尝试其他武器组的攻击力,那他们就可以改变自己的辅助武器。 我们认为这将是幻想神域最有趣的定制选项, 我们也很想知道玩家将会选择那些辅助武器组合。


 Aura Kingdom : The Best of Both Worlds
 We’ve already gone in-depth in our previous posts about the flexibility provided through secondary weapons. Characters level 40 and up can steadily gain access to all the abilities of their chosen secondary weapon, granting a single character the potential to perform one of two roles at any given time. There is, however, yet another perk to secondary weapons.
Some weapons synergize very well with one other, and the end result is an arsenal of powerful combo attacks unique to specific weapon pairings. For instance, if a Duelist (whose primary weapons are dual blades) selects a Gunslinger’s twin pistols as a secondary weapon, they gain access to new abilities such as a sprinting shot in which they charge, stab, and fire a salvo at a target. That same Duelist could also opt for a Grenadier’s cannon instead, using attacks that combine the explosive power and rapid-fire shots of both weapons.
Likewise, caster weapons work extremely well together to create a wide variety of effects. A Sorcerer can take up a staff and gain access to new frost and wind AoE spells as well as a group healing ability. They can also select a Harp as their secondary and combine both weapons to summon fire spirits and smite enemies with holy blades of sonic waves.
The possibilities are endless, and fortunately the option is available for players to change their secondary weapon if they want to experiment with the combo attacks from other pairings. We think this one of Aura Kingdom’s most interesting customization options and we’re excited to see which combinations our players like the most!

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