
2013-11-04 5181


通过这些步骤, 你应该能够同时坐骑和宠物。 
首先你需要去Elinu Pora,并与NPC谈话,获得成就。

小镇的名字最接近六个支柱(从链接进去 )
1. 树之小镇Pora Elinu
2. 吐鲁番
3  Acarum
4. 堡垒
5. Dragonfall\
6. Habare

之后, 你要去六个位置和找到支柱。 一旦找到他们, 就站旁边,成就应该就会出现在你的屏幕上。我提供的链接将显示这些柱子的位置。

最后, 确保您已经访问所有的城镇后,去完成另一个成就。游戏项目、游戏工作室辅助工具、游戏防封技巧,专业玩家网游戏工作室联盟,是网游工作室必选网站。

应该是这样, 你能够得到西瓜宠物和绿色的猛禽坐骑,这种坐骑共有4中类型,红色和绿色的永久坐骑及红色和绿色的一月坐骑。 




Figured I can share how to get the new mount and the watermelon pet from the new achievement   http://www.inven.co.kr/board/powerbbs.php?come_idx=2152&l=11800
By doing these steps, you should be able to get both the pet and mount at the same time. Just use the link for the pictures so no need to google translate.
First you'll need to go to Pora Elinu and talk to the NPC to get an achievement.
Town names closest to the six pillars (Going by the image order from the link)
1. Pora Elinu
2. Tulufan
3. Acarum
4. Bastion
5. Dragonfall
6. Habare
After that you'll need to go to six locations and find the pillar. Once you find them, just stand next to them and the achievement should pop up on your screen. The link I provided will show the locations of those pillars.
Then lastly, make sure you have visited all the towns to finish another achievement.
That should be it and you should be able to get both the watermelon pet and the green raptor mount at the same time. There are 4 types of this mount. A red and green colored mount that's permanent, and a red and green mount that only last for a month duration. This post shows how to get the green & permanent version.

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