美服《TERA》四套女性制服袭来 船长制服等你拿

2013-11-08 1808



所有人都登船!从11月7日周四开始, 你可以从Valkyon挑选到所有要用的东西。

军官制服( 配以匹配你的头发的帽子),有四个颜色可供选择 !

感觉很幸运? 打开船长战利品箱子就有机会获得四种颜色的船长制服, 一个船长帽子或各种有用的物品! 每个船长的战利品箱肯定都包含一个canephora药水和另一件物品。
所有制服都是适合人类女性, 高级精灵女性, 栗色发女性和艾琳。

航到Valkyon Outfitters和Valkyon Outfitters在线,今天就能拿到这些服装!游戏工作室项目,欧服,美服,台服,韩服,日服,国服,东南亚服等所有游戏收货商家信息请关注专业玩家网。



All Aboard the Party Boat! TERA Loot Ahoy!
 TERA Navy Uniforms
All aboard the party boat! Starting Thursday, November 7, you can pick up all your party boat needs from Valkyon Outfitters and Valkyon Outfitters Online.

Party boat cadet costumes (with matching cadet cap for your hair slot) in one of four colors are available as a uniform bundle!
Feeling lucky? Unbox a captain’s loot locker for a chance to win a party boat captain costume in one of four colors, a party boat captain’s hat, or one of a variety of useful items! Each captain’s loot locker is guaranteed to contain one canephora potion plus one other item.
All of these party boat costumes come in human female, high elf female, castanic female, and elin versions.

Sail on into Valkyon Outfitters and Valkyon Outfitters Online to get yours today!


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