
2013-11-09 1160





步骤1) 开启赛季一
在游戏更新2.4.3中, 所有玩家的评级将按照季前存档, 每个玩家的单人和团体评级将重置回默认。从这一点来看, 基于此次比赛的结果,排位赛将给玩家带来新的起伏。

步骤2) 显示评级
就像银河行会战斗转播中提到的,本赛季开启后,我们会有一个基于web的排行榜,玩家们可以看到他们的个人和团队排名评级, 并同其他玩家比较。玩家们长久以来想就熟练度进行竞争, 现在他们可以做了。谁会成为每个职业排行榜的座上宾呢?我们拭目以待。
步骤3) 完成赛季一
我们还没有确定日期,但预计赛季一的时间跨度会是在6个月,只要我们锁定一个确切的日期, 我们将公布。我们不想让玩家在结束时太错愕。
步骤4) 奖励
炫耀评级很不错, 但我们还是想给出赛季独具的奖励。 临近季末时, 我们会根据评级划分出不同层次的段位,每一层将获得一些独特的奖励, 等级越高奖励越酷啊。 奖励公告将会在赛季末宣布, 所以玩家有足够的时间来为特定的段位奋斗。游戏工作室项目,欧服,美服,台服,韩服,日服,国服,东南亚服等所有游戏收货商家信息请关注专业玩家网。
步骤5) 结束赛季, 赛季之间
一旦赛季结束, 我们将再次存档所有评级。我们希望在赛季一和启动赛季二之间能有一个喘息的机会,这样在新旧赛季交接的时候会有休息时间。 当赛季二启动时,评级将再次重置。



Star Wars: The Old Republic : PvP Season One Detailed 
 The Star Wars: The Old Republic blog has been updated with a new post to lay out the plans for the first season of competitive PvP game play. The blog gives a basic framework for how the season will begin throughout its culmination.
Step 1) Actually Start Season One
With the launch of Game Update 2.4.3, all players’ ratings will be archived as preseason and everyone will start with both solo and group ratings reset back to the default. From that point on, Ranked games will start moving our players up and down based on the results of those games.
Step 2) Show the Ratings
As we announced on our Galactic Guild Battle Livestream, with the start of Season One we will have web-based leaderboards where players can go and see their solo and ranked ratings, and compare those ratings against other players. Players’ have long requested ways to compare their proficiency against each other, and now they will have one way to do so. Who will end atop the leaderboards for each class, we shall soon find out!
Step 3) Finish Season One
We don’t have an exact date yet, but something in the 6-month range is our target for the length of Season One. As soon as we lock down an exact date, we will make sure to announce to the public. We don’t want to surprise people who are fighting for positions with a sudden season ending.
Showing off your rating is all well and good, but we also want to give season exclusive rewards for every PvP season. As we approach the end of the season, we will take a look at the ladder and break up the population into various tiers of ratings. Each tier will receive some unique rewards, with the higher tiers getting cooler rewards (as well as all of the rewards for the tiers below them). This announcement (both where the tiers are, and what rewards will come with each tier) will come towards the end of the season, but with enough time to make sure people can react to the specific breaks if they feel like they need to strive towards a specific tier.
Step 5) End the Season and Between Season Break
Once the season ends, we will once again archive off all the ratings for historical viewing. We do intend to have a slight break between the end of Season 1 and the start of Season 2, just so there is a small “seasonal downtime” between the end of one season and the start of the next. When Season Two starts, ratings will once again reset !


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